This is a repository for Computer-Graphics Lab assignments in Second year Information Technology of SPPU!
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π Happy Learning π
Computer Graphics - (SEM-4)
Language : C++
Output images are provided in particular assignment's directory
[1] Implement DDA and Bresenham line drawing algorithm to draw: i) Simple Line ii) Dotted Line iii) Dashed Line iv) Solid line ; using mouse interface Divide the screen in four quadrants with center as (0, 0). The line should work for all the slopes positive as well as negative
[2] Implement Bresenham circle drawing algorithm to draw any object. The object should be displayed in all the quadrants with respect to center and radius-
[3] Implement the following polygon filling methods :
i) Flood fill / Seed fill
ii) Boundary fill ;
using mouse click, keyboard interface and menu driven programming
[4] Implement following 2D transformations on the object with respect to axis :
i) Scaling
ii) Rotation about arbitrary point
iii) Reflection
iv) Translation
[5] Implement Cohen Sutherland polygon clipping method to clip the polygon with respect the viewport and window. Use mouse click, keyboard interface.
[6] Generate fractal patterns using Bezier curve.