Cricbuzz API
This project provides an API for managing cricket matches, teams, and players, inspired by Cricbuzz.
Clone the repository: git clone <repository_url>
Install dependencies:
npm install
Dependencies bcryptjs: ^2.4.3 body-parser: ^1.20.2 dotenv: ^16.4.5 express: ^4.19.2 jsonwebtoken: ^9.0.2 mongoose: ^8.3.0 uuid: ^9.0.1
Dev Dependencies nodemon: ^3.1.0
Usage Start the server:
npm start
Import the provided Postman collection for testing the APIs.
Set up environment variables in Postman:
Create a new environment. Add variables for BASE_URL and TOKEN (if required). Set the values according to your setup. Test the APIs using the provided collection.
API Endpoints
[POST] /api/admin/signup: Register an admin user.
[POST] /api/admin/login: Login as an admin user.
[POST] /api/matches: Create a new match.
[GET] /api/matches: Get all match schedules.
[GET] /api/matches/{match_id}: Get details of a specific match.
[POST] /api/teams/{team_id}/squad: Add a player to a team's squad.
[GET] /api/players/{player_id}/stats: Get statistics of a player.
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