This project is a scalable server-side application for an e-commerce platform, focusing on creating robust APIs, integrating with third-party services, and ensuring secure and efficient data handling.
RESTful APIs for user management, product management, and order processing using Node.js and Express.js. Authentication and authorization using JWT (JSON Web Tokens). MongoDB database with schemas for users, products, orders, and payments. Data validation and error handling. Mock integrations for payment gateways (e.g., Stripe, PayPal) and logistics providers. Secure communication using SSL/TLS. Security best practices such as input validation, rate limiting, and secure storage of sensitive information. Designed to handle a high volume of requests with optimized database queries and API performance. Prerequisites Node.js npm or yarn MongoDB SSL certificates (for production)
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd e-commerce-platform
Install dependencies:
npm install
Set up environment variables by creating a .env file in the root directory and adding the following:
MongoDB: Make sure MongoDB is installed and running. Update MONGO_URI in the .env file with your MongoDB connection string. JWT Secret: Update JWT_SECRET in the .env file with your secret key for JWT. SSL Certificates: Obtain SSL certificates and set the paths for SSL_KEY_PATH and SSL_CERT_PATH in the .env file. Running the Application Development Mode (HTTP):
npm run dev
Production Mode (HTTPS):
npm start
The API endpoints are organized as follows:
User Management: /api/users
Register a new user: POST /users/register Login a user: POST /users/login Get user profile: GET /users/profile
Product Management: /api/products
Get all products: GET /product Get a product by ID: GET /product/:id Create a product (admin): POST /product Update a product (admin): PUT /product/:id Delete a product (admin): DELETE /product/:id
Order Processing: /api/orders
Create an order: POST /order Get all orders (admin): GET /order Get order by ID: GET /order/:id Update order status (admin): PUT /order/:id Delete an order (admin): DELETE /order/:id
SSL/TLS: Secure communication using SSL/TLS certificates. Input Validation: Input validation using express-validator. Rate Limiting: Rate limiting using express-rate-limit. Secure Storage: Secure storage of sensitive information such as passwords using bcrypt. Scalability and Performance Optimization Clustering: Use clustering to take advantage of multi-core systems. Indexes: Optimize MongoDB queries using indexes. Lean Queries: Use lean queries to reduce overhead. Pagination: Implement pagination for large data sets.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.