Mini Peerfives allows users to reward each other with P5 points. Each user can only give a maximum of 100 P5 points. Users can view their rewards and undo transactions if needed.
- Node.js (v14 or above)
- MongoDB (running locally or on a cloud service like MongoDB Atlas)
Clone the repository:
git clone cd mini-peerfives
Install dependencies:
npm install
Configure environment variables: Create a
file in the root of the project with the following content:MONGO_URI=your_mongodb_connection_string PORT=5000
Run the server:
npm start
The server will start on the port specified in the
file (default is 5000).
all the examples are actual and tested on postman please make sure you create a user and use your ids generated by mongodb
Endpoint: POST /api/users
Request Body:
"name": "Person A"
"_id": "664747bcf901e59cf7ac902c",
"name": "Person A",
"p5Balance": 100,
"rewardsBalance": 0
**Edit a User
Endpoint: PUT /api/users/:id
Request Body:
"name": "Updated Name"
"_id": "664747bcf901e59cf7ac902c",
"name": "Updated Name",
"p5Balance": 100,
"rewardsBalance": 0
--Give P5 Points (Create Reward)
Endpoint: POST /api/rewards
Request Body:
"givenBy": "664747bcf901e59cf7ac902c",
"givenTo": "664747e8f901e59cf7ac902e",
"points": 50
"_id": "transactionId",
"givenBy": "664747bcf901e59cf7ac902c",
"givenTo": "664747e8f901e59cf7ac902e",
"points": 50,
"datetime": "2024-05-17T12:07:46.621Z"
--Get Rewards for a User
Endpoint: GET /api/rewards/:userId
"user": {
"name": "Person B",
"p5Balance": 50,
"rewardsBalance": 50
"rewards": [
"_id": "66474892f901e59cf7ac9038",
"datetime": "2024-05-17T12:00:00.000Z",
"points": 50,
"givenBy": {
"_id": "664747bcf901e59cf7ac902c",
"name": "Person A"
"givenTo": {
"_id": "664747e8f901e59cf7ac902e",
"name": "Person B"
--Get Transaction Details by ID
Endpoint: GET /api/rewards/transaction/:id
"_id": "66474892f901e59cf7ac9038",
"datetime": "2024-05-17T12:07:46.621Z",
"points": 50,
"givenBy": {
"_id": "664747bcf901e59cf7ac902c",
"name": "Person A",
"p5Balance": 50
"givenTo": {
"_id": "664747e8f901e59cf7ac902e",
"name": "Person B",
"rewardsBalance": 50
--Delete a Reward (Undo Transaction)
Endpoint: DELETE /api/rewards/transaction/:id
"message": "last reward deleted"
After Deletion:
The involved users' balances will be adjusted to their previous states before the transaction.
## Completed
1. Person A gives 50 P5 points to Person B
Before transaction:
Person P5 balance Rewards balance
A 100 0
B 100 0
After transaction:
Person P5 balance Rewards balance
A 50 0
B 100 50
2. Person B gives 50 P5 points to Person A
Before transaction:
Person P5 balance Rewards balance
A 50 0
B 100 50
After transaction:
Person P5 balance Rewards balance
A 50 50
B 50 50
3. Person A gives 75 P5 points to Person B
Before transaction:
Person P5 balance Rewards balance
A 50 50
B 50 50
After transaction:
Not possible as Person A has 50 P5 in balance
4. Person A deletes 1st transaction of P5
Before transaction:
Person P5 balance Rewards balance
A 50 50
B 50 50
After transaction:
Person P5 balance Rewards balance
A 100 50
B 100 0
This project provides a simple way to manage and track the rewarding of P5 points between users. By following the steps in this README, you can set up the project, create users, reward points, view transactions, and undo transactions if needed.
If you have any questions or run into any issues, feel free to open an issue on the project's GitHub repository.