Slides and code samples for training, tutorials, and workshops about Docker, containers, and Kubernetes.
A list of Developer Community Writer Programs
📖 HonKit is building beautiful books using Markdown - Fork of GitBook
A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
A personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode
Site Reliability Engineer Interview Preparation Guide
A collection of questions to practice with for SRE interviews
Curated list of good SRE interview questions.
notes and examples/exercises from The Linux Programming Interface
Course materials for Modern Binary Exploitation by RPISEC
Resources, links, projects, and ideas for gardeners tending their digital notes on the public interwebs
A Gatsby theme to build Andy style websites. 📑
Markdown export from Bear sqlite database
Generate a graphviz visualisation of your Bear notes. It also has a partial Markdown parser, because why not
Add to each Bear note a back-reference to notes that are citing it.
Create a digital garden with TiddlyWiki.
Compilation of public failure/horror stories related to Kubernetes
A collection of the papers, conference talks, articles, blog posts, interesting Twitter threads, HN/reddit comments on systems engineering
Automatically delete your old tweets, except for the ones you want to keep
The curriculum for apprentice-level engineers at FairWinds Ops