- 🙋♂️ I'm 18 years old Self-taught Full-Stack developer from China.
- 😄 He/Him/His.
- 🙌 Play.
- 🧐 Games and internet finance.
- 👨💻 I’m currently working using Python and goland.
- 💬 Ask me about anything. I will try to help you as much as I can.
- 🔭 I Hope we can do some fun things together in the devops direction.
📚 I’m looking for help with Github Blog.
class AboutMe:
def __init__(self):
self.job = "DevOps"
self.username = "FengFeng Zhao"
self.name = "shuke163"
self.wechat = "@Hero"
self.city = "BeiJing"
self.email = "shu_ke163@163.com"
self.hobby = ["basketball", "dance"]
self.web = "https://github.com/shuke163"
self.blog = "https://www.cnblogs.com/aslongas"
self.code = {
'os': ["Redhat5.x-6.x", "centos6.x-7.x", "ubuntu18.x-20.x", 'GNU/Linux'],
'frontend': ['Vue', 'Element-ui'],
'backend': ['Django', 'FastAPI', 'Flask', 'Python', 'Go', 'Celery', 'Flower', 'Casbin', 'graphql'],
'database': ['PostgreSQL', 'MySQL', 'SQLite3', 'Mongo DB', 'Oracle', 'Tidb', 'Etcd', 'Hive'],
'devops': ['Docker', 'Nginx', 'Jenkins', 'GitHub Actions', 'AWS', 'Gitla-Ci', 'Ansible', "SaltStack", 'Terraform', 'Spinnaker'],
'services': ['Nginx', 'Keepalive', 'Haproxy', 'OpenResty', 'Kong', 'DNS轮训', 'DNSmasq', 'BIND', 'DHCP', 'RSYNC', 'FTP', 'NFS', 'Tomcat', 'Squid', 'RabbitMQ', 'RocketMQ', 'Pulsar', 'Kafka', 'Zookeeper', 'AirFlow', 'minio', 'LVS', 'dpvs'],
'cache': ['redis', 'memcache', 'pika'],
'monitor': ['Open-Falcon', 'nightingale', 'prometheus', 'Nagios', 'Cacti', 'Zabbix', 'Smoking', 'smartping','Grafana'],
'log': ['Filebeat', 'Elk', 'Beats', 'Merticbeats', 'Graylog', 'rsyslog', 'Loki'],
'chain': ['SkyWalking', 'zipkin', 'Jaeger', 'CAT', 'PinPoint', 'Sentry', 'OpenCensus', 'EMonitor'],
'api': ['Yapi', 'Knife4j', 'auxpi', 'Swagger', 'rap2-delos'],
'database-tools': ['SQLAdvisor', 'Yearning', 'SQLPad', 'Archery'],
'tools': ['Git', 'GitHub', 'GitLab', 'Pandas', 'Jupyter notebook', 'SQLAlchemy', 'cerebro', 'KafkaCenter', 'Logi-KafkaManager', 'kafka-ui', 'Walle', 'spug', 'gopub', 'CloudOpenDevOps', '蓝鲸', 'Superset', 'Metabase', 'Disconf', 'consul', 'Apollo', 'Qconf', 'Nacos', 'jira', 'Wiki', 'Trello', 'Readme', 'Phabricator', 'Graphviz', 'PlantUML', 'draw.io', 'Diagrams', 'Mermaid', 'GitBook', 'Mindoc', 'Docusaurus', 'docsite', 'ProcessOn', 'rocket.chat', 'Mattermost', 'easy-mock', '蝉道', '幕客UI', 'Amis'],
'CNCF': ['Harbor', 'Wayne', 'kubespray', 'KubeOperator', 'KubeVela', 'OpenKruise', 'Kops', 'Lens', 'velero', 'pykube', 'cdk8s', 'kopf', 'Helm', 'kustomize', 'Skaffold', 'ArgoCD', 'Tekton', 'Polari'],
'security': ['Jumperver', 'LDAP', 'OpenVpn', 'iptables', 'firewall', 'ipsecVPN', 'ipset'],
self.architecture = ['LAMP', 'k8s', 'MVC', 'microservices', 'OpenStack', 'Kvm']
self.cloud: ['AWS', "Ali Cloud"]
def __str__(self):
return self.name
if __name__ == '__main__':
me = AboutMe()
⭐️ From shuke163