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[Hunter] Remove outdated S1 profiles that have incorrect talent hash #46

[Hunter] Remove outdated S1 profiles that have incorrect talent hash

[Hunter] Remove outdated S1 profiles that have incorrect talent hash #46

Workflow file for this run

name: spec-test
run-name: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.head_commit.message }}
workflows: ['CI']
types: [completed]
name: spec-test-${{ matrix.spec }}-${{ matrix.fightstyle }}
if: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.conclusion == 'success' }}
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
fail-fast: false
spec: [
deathknight_blood, deathknight_unholy, deathknight_frost,
demonhunter_vengeance, demonhunter_havoc,
druid_balance, druid_feral, druid_guardian, druid_restoration,
evoker_devastation, evoker_augmentation,
hunter_beast_mastery, hunter_marksmanship, hunter_survival,
mage_arcane, mage_fire, mage_frost,
monk_brewmaster, monk_windwalker, monk_mistweaver,
paladin_protection, paladin_retribution,
rogue_assassination, rogue_outlaw, rogue_subtlety,
warlock_affliction, warlock_demonology, warlock_destruction,
warrior_arms, warrior_fury, warrior_protection
fightstyle: [singletarget, multitarget, dungeonslice]
- fightstyle: multitarget
style_arg: desired_targets=10
- fightstyle: dungeonslice
style_arg: fight_style=DungeonSlice
UBSAN_OPTIONS: print_stacktrace=1
SIMC_ARGS: output=/dev/null threads=2 iterations=10 cleanup_threads=1 allow_experimental_specializations=1
PLAYER_ARGS: load_default_gear=1
- uses: actions/cache@v4
path: |
${{ runner.workspace }}/b/ninja/simc
key: ubuntu-clang++-15-for_run-${{ github.event.workflow_run.head_sha }}-cpp-17
- name: Setup
id: setup
MATRIX_SPEC: ${{ matrix.spec }}
run: |
- name: "Log Debug"
if: always()
run: |
${{ runner.workspace }}/b/ninja/simc ${{ env.SIMC_ARGS }} log=1 debug=1 ${{ matrix.style_arg }} \
enable_all_talents=1 enable_all_item_effects=1 enable_all_sets=1 \
${{ env.CLASS_STR }}=${{ matrix.spec }} spec=${{ env.SPEC_STR }} ${{ env.PLAYER_ARGS }}
${{ runner.workspace }}/b/ninja/simc ${{ env.SIMC_ARGS }} log=1 debug=1 ${{ matrix.style_arg }} \
${{ env.CLASS_STR }}=${{ matrix.spec }} spec=${{ env.SPEC_STR }} ${{ env.PLAYER_ARGS }}
- name: "HTML JSON"
if: always()
run: |
${{ runner.workspace }}/b/ninja/simc ${{ env.SIMC_ARGS }} html=test.html json=test.json ${{ matrix.style_arg }} \
enable_all_talents=1 enable_all_item_effects=1 enable_all_sets=1 \
${{ env.CLASS_STR }}=${{ matrix.spec }} spec=${{ env.SPEC_STR }} ${{ env.PLAYER_ARGS }}
${{ runner.workspace }}/b/ninja/simc ${{ env.SIMC_ARGS }} html=test.html json=test.json ${{ matrix.style_arg }} \
${{ env.CLASS_STR }}=${{ matrix.spec }} spec=${{ env.SPEC_STR }} ${{ env.PLAYER_ARGS }}
- name: "No Talents, No Effects, No Sets"
if: always()
run: |
${{ runner.workspace }}/b/ninja/simc ${{ env.SIMC_ARGS }} ${{ matrix.style_arg }} \
${{ env.CLASS_STR }}=${{ matrix.spec }} spec=${{ env.SPEC_STR }} ${{ env.PLAYER_ARGS }}
- name: "No Talents, No Effects, All Sets"
if: always()
run: |
${{ runner.workspace }}/b/ninja/simc ${{ env.SIMC_ARGS }} ${{ matrix.style_arg }} \
enable_all_sets=1 \
${{ env.CLASS_STR }}=${{ matrix.spec }} spec=${{ env.SPEC_STR }} ${{ env.PLAYER_ARGS }}
- name: "No Talents, All Effects, No Sets"
if: always()
run: |
${{ runner.workspace }}/b/ninja/simc ${{ env.SIMC_ARGS }} ${{ matrix.style_arg }} \
enable_all_item_effects=1 \
${{ env.CLASS_STR }}=${{ matrix.spec }} spec=${{ env.SPEC_STR }} ${{ env.PLAYER_ARGS }}
- name: "No Talents, All Effects, All Sets"
if: always()
run: |
${{ runner.workspace }}/b/ninja/simc ${{ env.SIMC_ARGS }} ${{ matrix.style_arg }} \
enable_all_item_effects=1 enable_all_sets=1 \
${{ env.CLASS_STR }}=${{ matrix.spec }} spec=${{ env.SPEC_STR }} ${{ env.PLAYER_ARGS }}
- name: "Starter Talents, No Effects, No Sets"
if: always()
run: |
${{ runner.workspace }}/b/ninja/simc ${{ env.SIMC_ARGS }} ${{ matrix.style_arg }} \
${{ env.CLASS_STR }}=${{ matrix.spec }} spec=${{ env.SPEC_STR }} ${{ env.PLAYER_ARGS }} load_default_talents=1
- name: "Starter Talents, No Effects, All Sets"
if: always()
run: |
${{ runner.workspace }}/b/ninja/simc ${{ env.SIMC_ARGS }} ${{ matrix.style_arg }} \
enable_all_sets=1 \
${{ env.CLASS_STR }}=${{ matrix.spec }} spec=${{ env.SPEC_STR }} ${{ env.PLAYER_ARGS }} load_default_talents=1
- name: "Starter Talents, All Effects, No Sets"
if: always()
run: |
${{ runner.workspace }}/b/ninja/simc ${{ env.SIMC_ARGS }} ${{ matrix.style_arg }} \
enable_all_item_effects=1 \
${{ env.CLASS_STR }}=${{ matrix.spec }} spec=${{ env.SPEC_STR }} ${{ env.PLAYER_ARGS }} load_default_talents=1
- name: "Starter Talents, All Effects, All Sets"
if: always()
run: |
${{ runner.workspace }}/b/ninja/simc ${{ env.SIMC_ARGS }} ${{ matrix.style_arg }} \
enable_all_item_effects=1 enable_all_sets=1 \
${{ env.CLASS_STR }}=${{ matrix.spec }} spec=${{ env.SPEC_STR }} ${{ env.PLAYER_ARGS }} load_default_talents=1
- name: "All Talents, No Effects, No Sets"
if: always()
run: |
${{ runner.workspace }}/b/ninja/simc ${{ env.SIMC_ARGS }} ${{ matrix.style_arg }} \
enable_all_talents=1 \
${{ env.CLASS_STR }}=${{ matrix.spec }} spec=${{ env.SPEC_STR }} ${{ env.PLAYER_ARGS }}
- name: "All Talents, No Effects, All Sets"
if: always()
run: |
${{ runner.workspace }}/b/ninja/simc ${{ env.SIMC_ARGS }} ${{ matrix.style_arg }} \
enable_all_talents=1 enable_all_sets=1 \
${{ env.CLASS_STR }}=${{ matrix.spec }} spec=${{ env.SPEC_STR }} ${{ env.PLAYER_ARGS }}
- name: "All Talents, All Effects, No Sets"
if: always()
run: |
${{ runner.workspace }}/b/ninja/simc ${{ env.SIMC_ARGS }} ${{ matrix.style_arg }} \
enable_all_talents=1 enable_all_item_effects=1 \
${{ env.CLASS_STR }}=${{ matrix.spec }} spec=${{ env.SPEC_STR }} ${{ env.PLAYER_ARGS }}
- name: "All Talents, All Effects, All Sets"
if: always()
run: |
${{ runner.workspace }}/b/ninja/simc ${{ env.SIMC_ARGS }} ${{ matrix.style_arg }} \
enable_all_talents=1 enable_all_item_effects=1 enable_all_sets=1 \
${{ env.CLASS_STR }}=${{ matrix.spec }} spec=${{ env.SPEC_STR }} ${{ env.PLAYER_ARGS }}
- name: Dump APL
id: dump_apl
if: github.event_name == 'push' && matrix.fightstyle == 'singletarget' && !failure()
run: |
${{ runner.workspace }}/b/ninja/simc save_profiles=1 save_full_profile=0 \
enable_all_talents=1 enable_all_item_effects=1 enable_all_sets=1 \
allow_experimental_specializations=1 ${{ env.CLASS_STR }}=${{ matrix.spec }} \
spec=${{ env.SPEC_STR }} ${{ env.PLAYER_ARGS }} save_actions=${{ matrix.spec }}.simc
#- name: Upload APL
# if: steps.dump_apl.outcome == 'success'
# continue-on-error: true
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: apl-${{ github.event.workflow_run.head_sha }}-${{ matrix.spec }}
# path: ${{ matrix.spec }}.simc
# retention-days: 1