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Casting Agency API

The Casting Agency models a company that is responsible for creating movies and actors. You are an Executive Producer within the company and are creating a system to simplify and streamline your process.

This project uses python, flask and postgresql for it's backend and is hosted on Heroku.

All backend code follows PEP8 style guidelines

No frontend is developed for this app, you can use it using cURL or Postman

Motivations & Covered Topics

This is the last project of the Udacity-Full-Stack-Nanodegree Course. It covers following technical topics in 1 app:

  1. Database modeling with postgres & sqlalchemy (see
  2. API to performance CRUD Operations on database with Flask (see
  3. Automated testing with Unittest (see test_app)
  4. Authorization & Role based Authentification with Auth0 (see
  5. Deployment on Heroku

Getting Started

Installing Dependencies

Python 3.7

Follow instructions to install the latest version of python for your platform in the python docs

Virtual Enviornment

Instructions for setting up a virtual environment can be found in the python docs

PIP Dependencies

Once you have your virtual environment setup and running, install dependencies by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install all of the required packages we selected within the requirements.txt file.

Key Dependencies
  • Flask is a lightweight backend microservices framework. Flask is required to handle requests and responses.

  • SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and ORM.

  • Flask-CORS is the extension we use to handle cross origin requests from the frontend server.

Running the server

First ensure that you are working in the created virtual environment.

To run the server, execute:

export FLASK_ENV=development
flask run

Sourcing sets some environment variables used by the app.

Setting the FLASK_ENV variable to development will detect file changes and restart the server automatically.

Setting the FLASK_APP variable to directs flask to use the this file to find the application.

You can run this API locally at the default

Login url


To run the tests,

Create user "agency" with the command

createuser agency

Create database with the command

createdb agency_test

If database already exist run the following command to drop the database and recreate it

dropdb agency_test && createdb agency_test

Run the dump file with the command

psql agency_test < agency.psql

Run the test suits with the command



The app is deployed on Heroku

Auth0 information for endpoints that require authentication can be found in

API Reference

Getting Started


This app has 3 users. each user has his own privileges.

  • Casting Assistant

    • Can view actors and movies
  • Casting Director

    • All permissions of a Casting Assistant and…
    • Add or delete an actor from the database
    • Modify actors or movies
  • Executive Producer

    • All permissions of a Casting Director and…
    • Add or delete a movie from the database

How to Setup Auth0

  1. Create a new Auth0 Account
  2. Select a unique tenant domain
  3. Create a new, single page web application
  4. Create a new API
    • in API Settings:
      • Enable RBAC
      • Enable Add Permissions in the Access Token
  5. Create new API permissions:
    • delete:actors
    • delete:movies
    • get:actors
    • get:movies
    • patch:actors
    • patch:movies
    • post:actors
    • post:movies
  6. Create new roles for:
    • Casting Assistant
      • Can view actors and movies
    • Casting Director
      • All permissions of a Casting Assistant and…
      • Add or delete an actor from the database
      • Modify actors or movies
    • Executive Producer
      • All permissions of a Casting Director and…
      • Add or delete a movie from the database
  7. Test your endpoints with Postman.
    • Register 3 users - assign the Casting Assistant role to one, Casting Director role to the second and Executive Producer role to the other.
    • Sign into each account and make note of the JWT.
    • Import the postman collection capstone-fsnd.postman_collection.json
    • Right-clicking the collection folder for Casting Assistant,Casting Director and Executive Producer, navigate to the authorization tab, and including the JWT in the token field (you should have noted these JWTs).
    • Run the collection.
    • Export the collection overwriting the one we've included so that we have proper JWTs


I used Postman Collections to test all my Endpoints for expected behaviour & correct permission execution.

To execute the tests, follow these steps:

  1. Install Postman
  2. Download the json file from this repository (capstone-fsnd.postman_collection.json)
  3. Open Postman and click on "Import" on the top-left corner
  4. Select capstone-fsnd.postman_collection.json
  5. Once uploaded, Click on "Runner"


  • GET '/actors'
  • GET '/movies'
  • POST '/actors'
  • POST '/movies'
  • PATCH '/actors/int:id'
  • PATCH '/movies/int:id'
  • DELETE '/actors/int:id'
  • DELETE '/movies/int:id'

Following is the demonstration of each endpoint.

  • GET '/actors'

    • Fetch all Actor info from DB
    • Request Argument : None
    • Returns : JSON response containing all actors with their info, and request status
    • example
       "actors": [
           "age": "26",
           "gender": "male",
           "id": 8,
           "name": "Kiki"
         "success": true
  • GET '/movies'

    • Fetch all Movies info from DB
    • Request Argument : None
    • Returns : JSON response containing all movies with their info, and request status
    • example
       "movies": [
           "id": 7,
           "release": "2019",
           "title": "actor1"
       "success": true
  • POST '/actors'

    • Insert Actor info into DB
    • Request Argument :
    • Returns : JSON response containing request status
    • example
       "actor": {
           "age": "20",
           "gender": "male",
           "id": 51,
           "name": "Reyan"
       "success": true
  • POST '/movies'

    • Insert Movie info into DB
    • Request Argument :
    • Returns : JSON response containing request status
    • example
       "actor": {
           "id": 36,
       "success": true
  • PATCH '/actors/int:id'

    • Updtae Actor info and insert it DB
    • Request Argument :
    • Returns : JSON response containing request status
    • example
       "actor": {
           "age": "21",
           "gender": "male",
           "id": 51,
           "name": "Reyan"
       "success": true
  • PATCH '/movies/int:id'

    • Updtae Movie info and insert it DB
    • Request Argument :
    • Returns : JSON response containing request status
    • example
       "actor": {
           "id": 36,
       "success": true
  • DELETE '/actors/int:id'

    • Delete Actor from DB
    • Request Argument : None
    • Returns : JSON response containing request status
    • example
       "id": 9,
       "success": true
  • DELETE '/movies/int:id'

    • Delete Movie from DB
    • Request Argument : None
    • Returns : JSON response containing request status
    • example
       "id": 10,
       "success": true