This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 22, 2024. It is now read-only.
Adapted implementation to incorporate new API functionality:
- removal of deprecated API endpoints (both general API and Nightbot API)
- adding of new (request) parameters to existing functions (where applicable)
Additionally, the API request responses are now mapped to user-friendly Python objects, which are represented via Python's 3.7+ builtin dataclasses:
from aoe2netapi import API
from aoe2netapi.constants import LeaderboardId
from aoe2netapi.models import Leaderboard # MatchHistory, RatingHistory, ...
api = API()
leaderboard: Leaderboard = api.get_leaderboard(leaderboard_id=LeaderboardId.AOE_TWO_RM, search="TheViper")
# Leaderboard(total=42997, leaderboard_id=3, start=1, count=6,
# players=[LeaderboardPlayer(...), ...], game='aoe2de', is_event_leaderboard=False)
for player in leaderboard.players: # access to all properties via dot-notation
print(player.rank,, player.rating, player.highest_rating, ...)
Therefore with this change, the Python version requirement is 3.7+.
See the documentation for more information.