This repository contains the Python and Jupyter Notebook files used by our team for the Fish Tracking Challenge 2024. The project aims to track sweetfish in controlled laboratory video settings using deep learning methods.
To clone this repository, use the following command in your terminal:
git clone
To run the scripts and notebooks in this repository, you'll need Python 3.8 or higher. It's recommended to use a virtual environment to manage the dependencies. The following packages are required:
- numpy
- opencv-python
- matplotlib
- pandas
- torch
- torchvision
- ultralytics
Data for the challenge can be downloaded from the Fish Challenge 2024 website. Please ensure you have registered and accepted the challenge's terms and conditions. The data includes training, development, and testing videos along with ground truth annotations.
Prepare the dataset containing video sequences and extract all image frames from training and development videos.
Follow the instructions in train_sweetfish.ipynb for training the detection and tracking model.
- Iterpolate Tracks:
python --fpath {path/to/detection/results.txt}
- Merge Tracks:
python --fpath {path/to/detection/results.txt}
- Visualize Results in Video:
python --video_path {path/to/video/file.mp4} --fpath {path/to/detection/results.txt}
- Additional Track Continuity Visualization
- The track_viz.ipynb notebook provides additional visualization for track continuity.