This site gives a very short introduction to Street Epistemology, in the form of a slideshow and accompanying business cards to give away.
Please check out to see the site in full. Best viewed on a mobile phone!
The site is generated with dadoomer's markdown-slides tool and Reveal.js. Please see these separate projects for license and usage terms. The site itself is hosted on Github Pages.
Nilsen, Salve J. (Project founder)
CanIBeBlue (SE Discord)
Elgvin, Jared
Helgadóttir, Anna
Hove, Erlend
Magnabosco, Anthony
MasterDan (SE Discord)
RyanAin'tLyin (SE Discord)
Schiesser, Ulrike
Säde, Ragnar (SE Discord)
Some content is inspired from SE conversations published on YouTube and on Discord over many years. Please see the Steet Epistemology website for viewing guides.
Further inspiration for the content on this site has been gathered from the Street Epistemology Basics page on, and from practicing and observing SE conversations on the SE Discord server and with strangers.
The following books have informed much of the content on this site.
- How Minds Change by David McRaney
- How to Have Impossible Conversations by Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay
- The Scout Mindset by Julia Galef
- Mental Immunity by Andy Norman
- A Manual for Creating Atheists by Peter Boghossian
- The Constitution of Knowledge by Jonathan Rauch
- Fakt und Vorurteil by Holm Gero Hümmler, Ulrike Schiesser
Some conversations are hard.
Imagine a topic – political, ideological, ethical or maybe even confusing, contentious or harmful.
Do you offer critique? Facts? Derision? A passionate plea to change their mind? Or do you just avoid it all, distancing yourself?
If you have to engage, you can do it in an effective and respectful way, with Street Epistemology.