This package contains a series of functions used to transform and manipulate tabular text data into a format appropriate for drawing a Sankey diagram and then producing said sankey diagram.
The tabular data does already need to be in a specific format. Each column should represent one event (in this case a given class offered in a given year). Each row will be an individual path through said events (in this case the grades a student got in a given class). Each cell contains the given result of the individual and that event (for example a "B" in the "Calc1_2020" column).
The functions were built assuming string data would be the input, but I think numerical data would work. The intent of this work was to make a Sankey plot to track how students flowed through a series of college courses, the data set provided as an example is just randomly generated data, but shows how the process works. I believe the code should be highly adaptable to any instance where one is trying to make a sankey plot of categorical data, again some formating of your data set might be needed before it will work. The functions are set up to handle missing values, but they need to be encoded as np.NaN.
To install clone the repository then navigate to the top level of the repository and from the command line run:
(base) user ~ % cd local/path/to/sankeyfromtextdata
(base) user sankeyfromtextdata % pip3 install -e .
Or install directly from GitHub:
(base) user ~ % pip install git+
It would be best to set up a virtual environment first to avoid clashes between dependencies
(base) user ~ % conda create -n NAMEYOURENV
(base) user ~ % conda activate NAMEYOURENV
(NAMEYOURENV) user ~ % cd local/path/to/sankeyfromtextdata
(NAMEYOURENV) user sankeyfromtextdata % pip3 install -e .
(NAMEYOURENV) user ~ % pip install git+
then do the local install, it will auto install all dependencies.
Once the package is installed load it to your workspace using
from sankeydiagrams import makesankeyfuncs as snkyfnc
Figure 1: Example of script output
NOTE: The requirements file has been removed since GitHub keeps flagging it for safety error