Here's a sneak-peak at some of our projects.
(Note: You may not be able to access some of the github repos linked to below unless you have been added as a member. You can become a member of a repo once you have signed up for that particular course.)
- Developing Apps with MIT AppInventor2: In this project, students read data using Arduino + sensors, store it on cloud and then use APIs to fetch and display the data in an App made with MIT AppInventor2.
- Safely Please: We build a car which can detect obstacles and find its way around them. Later on, we add more sensors to it to make it more and more autonomous.
- Otto-matic: We create Otto - a robot that can dance better than an average person. We learn how dance moves are encoded in lines of programming and how to assemble all the components together - Arduino, motors and software.
- Exploratory Data Analysis of Earthquakes in Taiwan: We learn how to handle datasets and extract insights from them using Python based tools. We start out with basics of programming in Python and then proceed to using standard Python modules like pandas and matplotlib.
- Heterophily of Taipei's Neighborhoods: In this project, we take a step back and learn how to use web scraping to collect our own data. We then proceed to analyze it building on techniques we learnt in the last project.
- Wolves in Yellowstone: A simulation of trophic cascade brought about by introduction of wolves in Yellowstone National Park in early 1990s. This project aims to teach different methods of data Visualization and animation using d3.js.