AutoHotKey wrapper, for using AutoHotKey in Linux
using AutoKey, AutoHotKey, wine
You need to install first:
wine for Linux and
winetricks maybe
AutoHotKey (exe) and
AutoKey for Linux (its python)
more details here: [instalation](instalation
- The (normal) AutoHotkey installation on Linux with Wine currently has difficulty interrogating the keyboard without this tool.
- The transfer of keystrokes to VirtualBox guests without to focus the guest can thus be made possible.] listens to CTRL+1 and sends then a message with information where its coming from (window title, window class)
if(SubPat["key"] == "Key.esc")
tip := "tit=" SubPat["active_title"] "`nclass=" SubPat["active_class"] "`npressORrelease=" SubPat["pressORrelease"] "`nkey=" SubPat["key"] "`nBackup=" cbBackup
if(pressORreleaseOld=="press" && keyOld == "Key.ctrl"){
tooltip,% ":-) " tip " `n(line=" A_LineNumber ")`n" keyHistory
if(SubPat["pressORrelease"]=="press" && SubPat["key"] == "'1'"){
msgbox,% ":-) " tip " `n(line=" A_LineNumber ")`n" keyHistory
} else{
tooltip,% tip " `n(line=" A_LineNumber ")`n" keyHistory
this listens to CTRL+S and reloads: / XZkbu4ik83c
https : // www . youtube . com / watch ? v = XZkbu4ik83c