This is Svetoslav Pandeliev's documentation tryouts
![@slavipande][@slavipande avatar]Svetoslav Pandeliev · @slavipande :octicons-calendar-24: October 11, 2021 · :octicons-clock-24: 3 min read ·
Principle #1: Decide whom are your writing for!
Principle #2: Decide on the information needs of your user
Principle #3: Decide on the way you are going to address your user - which S&Gs to apply
Principle #4: Decide on the deliverable to create
Principle #5: Decide on the tool you will use to create your content
Principle #6: Decide on the structure of your content
Principle #7: Decide on the information channel you are going to use
Principle #8: Write the docu
Principle #9: Use images and videos as appropriate
Principle #10: Publish your first version
Principle #11: Collect input and improve the content
Principle #12: Repeat
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