- ActiveAdmin
- 1.4.x (branch: release/1.5)
- 2.x.x (branch: master)
- 3.x.x (branch: release/3)
- Ruby 2.2+
- Rails 4.2+
- Mysql 5.x (tested with e.g. 5.7.10)
This installation is meant for using Golden Cobra as a gem inside your Rails application. If you would like to contribute to Golden Cobra development, please read this document => Installation instructions for development.
rails new PROJECTNAME -m https://raw.github.com/ikusei/goldencobra-installer/master/template.rb -d mysql
rails new PROJECTNAME -d mysql
Add the following to file "PROJECTNAME/Gemfile":
gem "goldencobra", git: "https://github.com/ikuseiGmbH/Goldencobra.git"
gem "activeadmin", git: "https://github.com/ikusei/active_admin.git", require: "activeadmin"
bundle install
rake db:create
rake goldencobra:install:migrations
rails generate goldencobra:install
rake db:migrate db:test:prepare
(http://www.domain.de/subdir/), please modify your config/routes.rb and setup your domains in "Settings > Domains" in the backendinterface
Goldencobra::Domain.pluck(:url_prefix).each do |url_prefix|
scope url_prefix do
devise_for :users, ActiveAdmin::Devise.config
mount Goldencobra::Engine => "/"
If you want to use Batch Actions in Golden Cobra (set a batch of articles offline), you need to uncomment the line # config.batch_actions = true
in config/initializers/active_admin.rb
This would also be the place where you can override stylesheets and javascripts. Just put them inside the block # == Register Stylesheets & Javascripts
Nearly every site in Golden Cobra is an article. If the default article isn't enough for your needs you can create new article types. There's a generator for that:
rails generate goldencobra:articletype Thing name:string
Where "Thing" would be your associated model and "name:string" are the usual ruby attributes.
This will create:
generate model Thing # Your associated model
generate /app/views/articletypes
generate /app/views/articletypes/thing # View folder
# Necessary view files
generate /app/views/articletypes/thing/_index.html.erb
generate /app/views/articletypes/thing/_show.html.erb
generate /app/views/articletypes/thing/_edit_show.html.erb
generate /app/views/articletypes/thing/_edit_index.html.erb
The index and show partials are for fronted display of your article type. The "_edit" partials are for the ActiveAdmin.
"Index" is always the index view of articles of this article_type. The _edit_index enables you to set certain tags to filter your index view. Of course everything is customizable by you.
"Show" is an individual article of this article_type. The "_edit_show" gives you control over the models attributes.
We have a quite flexible settings system in place. In the admin backend you have many values you can customize for your installation.
Important values are
- goldencobra.url (should be set without http:// in front)
- Commentator: If you have a different frontend user model (like 'Visitor') you can set this here. Default is User.
- Bugherd: If you use Bugherd.com for tracking frontend problems for your website you should enter the project's API key here. You can further decide wich User should be logged in to be able to track bugs.
- You have can enable or disable Solr Search Server and decide wether you want to recreate all menues and widgets after updating them. This might be useful for caching.
When creating articles, a default value is set for open graph image url. Please make sure you provide a default open graph image at "/assets/open-graph.png"
call in head-section of any view_template to include stylesheets, javascripts (jquery, jqueryui, jquery.tools ...), bugtracker, metatags, airbrake and article_administration element:
# option: {:exclude => ["stylesheets", "javascripts", "bugtracker", "metatags", "article_administration", "airbrake"]}
<%= basic_goldencobra_headers(:exclude => ["javascripts","stylesheets"]) %>
##Only Activate Bugtracker in Application Layout
place this code in your application layout in header section:
<%= bugtracker %>
call in any view_template:
navigation_menu(menue_id, option={})
# option: { depth: integer }
# 0 = unlimited
# 1 = self
# 2 = self and children 1st grade
# 3 = self and up to children 2nd grade
# default = 0
example: renders menue starting with id 1 and only childs of first grade
<%= navigation_menu(1, :depth => 1) %>
renders menue starting with id 2 and all children as a nested list
<%= navigation_menu(2) %>
renders menue starting with first Menuitem including title 'MainNavigation' and all children as a nested list
<%= navigation_menu("MainNavigation") %>
renders menue starting with first Menuitem including title 'MainNavigation' in the submenue 'Sub' and all children as a nested list
<%= navigation_menu("Sub/MainNavigation") %>
renders menue starting with first Menuitem including title 'MainNavigation' in the submenue 'de' or 'en' depending of your current Locale and all children as a nested list
<%= navigation_menu("#{I18n.locale.to_s}/MainNavigation") %>
<%= navigation_menu("Top-Menue", :submenue_of_article => @article, :class => "ul_submain_nav", :depth => 2, :show_image => false, :show_description_title => false, :show_description => false, :show_call_to_action_name => false) %>
<%= link_to "Deutsch", switch_language("de") %>
<%= link_to "Englisch", switch_language("en") %>
You can call any named route defined in your railsapp inside a goldencobra_view by calling:
<%= link_to "CustomRoute", application_routes.custom_page_path() %>
in your view_templates:
<%= breadcrumb() %>
<% # Renders contents of different article types %>
<% if @article %>
<%= render_article_type_content() %>
<% end %>
<%= yield(:article_content) %>
<%= yield(:article_title) %>
<%= yield(:article_subtitle) %>
<%= yield(:article_teaser) %>
Alle DefaultWidgets UND alle ArtikelWidgets mit dem Tag "sidebar" sortiert nach SorterID:
render_article_widgets(default: true, tagged_with: "sidebar")
Alle ArtikelWidgets mit dem Tag "sidebar" sortiert nach SorterID:
<%= render_article_widgets(default: false, tagged_with: "sidebar") %>
Alle ArtikelWidgets mit dem Tag "sidebar" sortiert nach SorterID:
<%= render_article_widgets(tagged_with: "sidebar") %>
Alle DefaultWidgets und alle ArtikelWidgets:
<%= render_article_widgets(default: true) %>
Alle ArtikelWidgets:
<%= render_article_widgets() %>
Alle DefaultWidgets:
<%= render_article_widgets(article: false) %>
Alle DefaultWidgets mit dem Tag "sidebar" sortiert nach SorterID:
<%= render_article_widgets(article: false, tagged_with: "sidebar") %>
Alle Optionen mit Defaultwerten:
<%= render_article_widgets(default="false", article="true", tagged_with: "") %>
in your view_templates:
<%= render_login_widget(User) %>
<%= render_login_widget(Visitor) %>
<%= render_registration_widget(User) %>
<%= render_registration_widget(Visitor) %>
<div id="social_sharing_buttons" class="bottom_buttons">
<%= yield(:social_sharing_buttons) %>
<%= render_article_image_gallery %>
See the CONTRIBUTING document. Thank you, contributors!
This project uses CC BY-NC-SA 3.0. See License
Golden Cobra is maintained by ikusei GmbH in Berlin. We like you.