The Smart Energy Research Lab (SERL) provides a secure, consistent and trusted channel for researchers to access high-resolution energy data, which will facilitate innovative energy research for years to come. SERL is funded by the UK's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and comprises a consortium of seven UK universities and the Energy Saving Trust.
Our initial work programme focuses on:
- establishing a Smart Energy Observatory of ~10,000 smart metered households across Great Britain;
- using the Smart Energy Observatory to conduct novel energy use research;
- developing a mechanism for other researchers to access smart meter data for other household samples from whom they have obtained informed consent.
- Data: Smart Energy Research Lab Observatory Data, 2019-2020: Secure Access
- Edition 4 - 11 October 2021: all SERL data up to and including 31 May 2021, which includes participant households recruited in Waves 1, 2 and 3 (~ 10,000+ households)
- Edition 3 - 26 April 2021: all SERL data up to and including 31 October 2020, which includes participant households recruited in Waves 1 and 2 (~ 4,671 households)
- Edition 2 - 19 November 2020: Change of citation
- Edition 1 - initial release of Wave 1 recruitment (~ 1,700 households)
- Pre-processing code
In addition to the Observatory data, the Smart Energy Research Lab Exploratory Data, 2019-2020 was an initial part of the SERL project and for use by SERL researchers to conduct exploratory analysis ahead of provisioning SERL data to the wider academic research community.
- Data: Smart Energy Research Lab Exploratory Data, 2019-2020: Secure Access
We are using github to:
- manage the collaborative development of our code base and documentation. Inevitably this means that some of our repos are private to the SERL team;
- provide open source re-usable code examples and tips for data users;
- enable reproducibility through transparency of code and data;
- build a smart energy community of practice around the SERL data releases;
- encourage collaboration and contribution to the SERL code base so we can all work better and faster.
- seRl R package
We use repo issues to collect feedback:
- feedback on these about pages
- feedback on the Observatory data documentation
- feedback on the Observatory data R package