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Simon Bowie edited this page Sep 20, 2018 · 5 revisions

Scripts on VuFind servers are run from /home/vufind/bin for Perl scripts and /home/vufind/scripts for shell scripts. Logs are kept in /home/vufind/logs. All scripts are run either directly from the root crontab or via the vufind_control_script from the root crontab. Run crontab -e as root to check all scripts running in Cron on the server.

Shell scripts

Shell scripts are run from /home/vufind/scripts and either run tasks directly on the server via the command line or start the VuFind control script with different parameters to run different Perl scripts.

Perl scripts

Perl scripts are run from /home/vufind/bin and run tasks related to getting data from OLE and building the index for VuFind.

OLE transfer of Marc files

These scripts ensure that Marc files are transferred from the OLE server to the VuFind server regularly. The process works as follows:

    • The script is run with parameters specifying which program is to be run and with which attributes.
    • runs
    • get_logon_details retrieves required logon details for servers
    • ole_transfer assembles logon details and runs with a long list of parameters
    • SSHs into the OLE server
    • Changes directory to the batch export file directory (on production, this is /usr/local/ole15/kuali/main/prd/olefs-webapp/work/staging/export/vufind_full_export/)
    • SFTPs into the VuFind server
    • Puts files from OLE server to VuFind server (on the VuFind server, Marc files are sent to /home/vufind/input/)
    • Exits
    • concatenate_files concatenates the .mrc files in /home/vufind/input into one big .mrc file in /home/vufind/input/daily
    • load_vufind_refresh indexes the file in /home/vufind/input/daily using
    • optimize_vufind_index optimizes the index with optimize.php
    • create_alphabetic_index creates alphabrowse index with
    • build_sitemap builds sitemap with sitemap.php

Log files

Log files for the various VuFind scripts are kept in /home/vufind/logs/. Use tail to view the latest log updates.

vufind_100_ole_index.log and vufind_600_oai_harvest.log are simple logs of when and start and end.

vufind_main_run.log logs every command run by the It's a verbose and thorough log of everything that happens during the scripts.

vufind_full_index_log_{$DATE} is a log of the bib indexing process. The log is generated when runs. It should highlight any issues that occur during the indexing process: problems with the Solr config, problems with the Marc file, etc.

./housekeeping/housekeeping.log is a log of It tells you exactly which files have been deleted during the housekeeping process and why.

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