RGB to Hex is a simple little program made with Go. The GUI is made with Fyne.io. The program takes 3 values from user (red, green, blue) and turns it into hex color value. It was created for easier front-end development without need to google it all the time. Super lightweight and small.
Simply take out the shortcut file in the main directory wherever you want and use it! If you'd like to change something locally run:
go build -ldflags="-H windowsgui" -o ./cmd/hex-to-rgb.exe
and to create production build run:
fyne install -icon ./assets/icon.png
To use simply pass right values, for RGB pass value from 0-255 for each of the colors. For Hex pass any code from #000000 to #FFFFFF. If the values vary from the range, the app will exit without returning converted color. If the values are right, the converted color will be shown with the ability to copy it and close app with one button, its that simple and that convenient.
If you'd like to contribute in any way, feel free to! There are probably a lot of usefull features and fixes to add. Also if you have and question hit me up anywhere, i will respond as fast as i can.