It has basic text editing tools and speech to text feature.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<h1>Text Editor</h1>
<div id="editor"></div>
new Advanced.TextEditor("#editor", { toolbar: "bold italic underline strikeThrough superscript subscript formatBlock justifyLeft justifyCenter justifyRight justifyFull insertOrderedList insertUnorderedList insertHorizontalRule html pre indent outdent createLink unlink refresh undoRedo clear", value: "<b>hello world</b>", onChange: (e,value) => { console.log(value) } })
import { TextEditor } from "advanced_texteditor";
import "advanced_texteditor/index.css";
class Sample extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.editoRef = null;
componentDidMount = () => {
this.editoRef = new TextEditor("#editor", {
toolbar: "bold italic underline strikeThrough superscript subscript formatBlock justifyLeft justifyCenter justifyRight justifyFull insertOrderedList insertUnorderedList insertHorizontalRule html pre indent outdent createLink unlink refresh undoRedo clear",
value: "<b>hello world</b>",
onChange: (e,value) => {
render = () => {
<div id="editor"/>
import React, { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
import { TextEditor } from "advanced_texteditor";
import "advanced_texteditor/index.css";
const Sample = () => {
const editoRef = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
editoRef.current = new TextEditor("#editor", {
toolbar: "bold italic underline strikeThrough superscript subscript formatBlock justifyLeft justifyCenter justifyRight justifyFull insertOrderedList insertUnorderedList insertHorizontalRule html pre indent outdent createLink unlink refresh undoRedo clear",
value: "<b>hello world</b>",
onChange: (e,value) => {
}, []);
return (
<div id="editor"/>
Create index.css file, import this file and update css like below
.ate_editor [contenteditable] {
// add here
.ate_editor .ate_toolbar,
.ate_editor .ate_bottom_bar {
// add here
.ate_editor .ate_toolbar button,
.ate_editor .ate_bottom_bar button {
// add here
.ate_editor .ate_toolbar button .tooltiptext,
.ate_editor .ate_bottom_bar button .tooltiptext {
// add here
.ate_editor .ate_bottom_bar {
// add here
// add here