extend chat completion response #1086
276 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped
✅ core/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.client.SyncClientSpec.xml
11 tests were completed in 529ms with 11 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.client.SyncClientSpec | 11✅ | 529ms |
✅ sttp.openai.client.SyncClientSpec
✅ Service response with status code: 429 should return properly deserialized RateLimitException
✅ Service response with status code: 400 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 404 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 415 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 401 should return properly deserialized AuthenticationException
✅ Service response with status code: 403 should return properly deserialized PermissionException
✅ Service response with status code: 409 should return properly deserialized TryAgain
✅ Service response with status code: 503 should return properly deserialized ServiceUnavailableException
✅ Service response with status code: 410 should return properly deserialized APIException
✅ Fetching models with successful response should return properly deserialized list of available models
✅ Customizing the request should be additive
✅ core/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.assistants.AssistantsDataSpec.xml
8 tests were completed in 91ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.assistants.AssistantsDataSpec | 8✅ | 91ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.assistants.AssistantsDataSpec
✅ Given create assistant request should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create assistant response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given list assistants response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given list assistant files response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given retrieve assistant response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given modify assistant request should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given modify assistant response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given delete assistant response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.audio.AudioCreationDataSpec.xml
1 tests were completed in 141ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.audio.AudioCreationDataSpec | 1✅ | 141ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.audio.AudioCreationDataSpec
✅ Given audio generation response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.BatchDataSpec.xml
3 tests were completed in 31ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.BatchDataSpec | 3✅ | 31ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.BatchDataSpec
✅ Given create batch request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create batch response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given list batch response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.completions.chat.ChatChunkDataSpec.xml
2 tests were completed in 127ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.completions.chat.ChatChunkDataSpec | 2✅ | 127ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.completions.chat.ChatChunkDataSpec
✅ Given chat chunk completions response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given completions request with streaming enabled as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ core/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.completions.chat.ChatDataSpec.xml
2 tests were completed in 89ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.completions.chat.ChatDataSpec | 2✅ | 89ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.completions.chat.ChatDataSpec
✅ Given chat completions response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given completions request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ core/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.completions.chat.JsonSchemaSpec.xml
4 tests were completed in 841ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.completions.chat.JsonSchemaSpec | 4✅ | 841ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.completions.chat.JsonSchemaSpec
✅ Given string JSON schema should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given number JSON schema should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given object JSON schema should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given array JSON schema should be properly serialized to Json
✅ core/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.completions.CompletionsDataSpec.xml
4 tests were completed in 18ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.completions.CompletionsDataSpec | 4✅ | 18ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.completions.CompletionsDataSpec
✅ Given completions response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given completions request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given completions of MultiplePrompt response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given completions of MultiplePrompt request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ core/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.embeddings.EmbeddingsDataSpec.xml
1 tests were completed in 16ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.embeddings.EmbeddingsDataSpec | 1✅ | 16ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.embeddings.EmbeddingsDataSpec
✅ Given list files response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.files.FilesResponseDataSpec.xml
4 tests were completed in 18ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.files.FilesResponseDataSpec | 4✅ | 18ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.files.FilesResponseDataSpec
✅ Given list files response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given upload file response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given delete file response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given retrieve file response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.finetuning.FineTuningDataSpec.xml
5 tests were completed in 325ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.finetuning.FineTuningDataSpec | 5✅ | 325ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.finetuning.FineTuningDataSpec
✅ Given create fine tuning job request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create fine tuning job response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given list fine tuning jobs response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given list fine tuning job events response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given list fine tuning job checkpoints response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.images.creation.ImageCreationDataSpec.xml
4 tests were completed in 24ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.images.creation.ImageCreationDataSpec | 4✅ | 24ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.images.creation.ImageCreationDataSpec
✅ Given image generation response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given create image request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create image request as case class created with enum values should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create image request as case class with different model should be properly serialized to Json
✅ core/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.models.ModelsGetResponseDataSpec.xml
1 tests were completed in 18ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.models.ModelsGetResponseDataSpec | 1✅ | 18ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.models.ModelsGetResponseDataSpec
✅ Given models response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.moderations.ModerationsDataSpec.xml
2 tests were completed in 20ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.moderations.ModerationsDataSpec | 2✅ | 20ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.moderations.ModerationsDataSpec
✅ Given create moderation response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Unknown moderation model in create response should be deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.threads.messages.ThreadMessagesDataSpec.xml
6 tests were completed in 66ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.threads.messages.ThreadMessagesDataSpec | 6✅ | 66ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.threads.messages.ThreadMessagesDataSpec
✅ Given create thread message request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create thread message response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given list messages response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given retrieve message response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given modify message response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given delete message response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.threads.runs.ThreadRunsDataSpec.xml
13 tests were completed in 74ms with 13 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.threads.runs.ThreadRunsDataSpec | 13✅ | 74ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.threads.runs.ThreadRunsDataSpec
✅ Given create thread run request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create thread run response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given create thread and run request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create thread and run response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given list runs response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given list run steps response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given retrieve run response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given retrieve run step response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given modify thread run request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given modify run response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given submit tool outputs to run request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given submit tool outputs to run response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given cancel run response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.threads.ThreadsDataSpec.xml
7 tests were completed in 45ms with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.threads.ThreadsDataSpec | 7✅ | 45ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.threads.ThreadsDataSpec
✅ Given empty create thread request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create threads request with messages and no attachments should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create threads request with messages should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create threads request with messages and metadata should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create empty thread response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given create thread with messages and metadata response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given delete thread response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.vectorstore.file.VectorStoreFileDataSpec.xml
6 tests were completed in 45ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.vectorstore.file.VectorStoreFileDataSpec | 6✅ | 45ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.vectorstore.file.VectorStoreFileDataSpec
✅ Given create vector store file request should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Vector store file search params should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Vector store file response should be properly deserialized from Json
✅ Vector store file response with error should be properly deserialized from Json
✅ Vector store file list response should be properly deserialized from Json
✅ Delete of vector store file response should be properly deserialized from Json
✅ core/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.vectorstore.VectorStoreDataSpec.xml
6 tests were completed in 31ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.vectorstore.VectorStoreDataSpec | 6✅ | 31ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.vectorstore.VectorStoreDataSpec
✅ Given create vector store request should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create vector store request with expires should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given modify vector store request should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Vector store object should be properly deserialized from Json
✅ List of vector stores should be properly deserialized from Json
✅ Delete of vector stores response should be properly deserialized from Json
✅ core/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.client.SyncClientSpec.xml
11 tests were completed in 315ms with 11 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.client.SyncClientSpec | 11✅ | 315ms |
✅ sttp.openai.client.SyncClientSpec
✅ Service response with status code: 429 should return properly deserialized RateLimitException
✅ Service response with status code: 400 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 404 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 415 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 401 should return properly deserialized AuthenticationException
✅ Service response with status code: 403 should return properly deserialized PermissionException
✅ Service response with status code: 409 should return properly deserialized TryAgain
✅ Service response with status code: 503 should return properly deserialized ServiceUnavailableException
✅ Service response with status code: 410 should return properly deserialized APIException
✅ Fetching models with successful response should return properly deserialized list of available models
✅ Customizing the request should be additive
✅ core/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.assistants.AssistantsDataSpec.xml
8 tests were completed in 33ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.assistants.AssistantsDataSpec | 8✅ | 33ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.assistants.AssistantsDataSpec
✅ Given create assistant request should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create assistant response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given list assistants response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given list assistant files response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given retrieve assistant response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given modify assistant request should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given modify assistant response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given delete assistant response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.audio.AudioCreationDataSpec.xml
1 tests were completed in 2ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.audio.AudioCreationDataSpec | 1✅ | 2ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.audio.AudioCreationDataSpec
✅ Given audio generation response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.BatchDataSpec.xml
3 tests were completed in 39ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.BatchDataSpec | 3✅ | 39ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.BatchDataSpec
✅ Given create batch request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create batch response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given list batch response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.completions.chat.ChatChunkDataSpec.xml
2 tests were completed in 198ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.completions.chat.ChatChunkDataSpec | 2✅ | 198ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.completions.chat.ChatChunkDataSpec
✅ Given chat chunk completions response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given completions request with streaming enabled as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ core/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.completions.chat.ChatDataSpec.xml
2 tests were completed in 49ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.completions.chat.ChatDataSpec | 2✅ | 49ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.completions.chat.ChatDataSpec
✅ Given chat completions response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given completions request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ core/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.completions.chat.JsonSchemaSpec.xml
4 tests were completed in 573ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.completions.chat.JsonSchemaSpec | 4✅ | 573ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.completions.chat.JsonSchemaSpec
✅ Given string JSON schema should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given number JSON schema should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given object JSON schema should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given array JSON schema should be properly serialized to Json
✅ core/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.completions.CompletionsDataSpec.xml
4 tests were completed in 24ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.completions.CompletionsDataSpec | 4✅ | 24ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.completions.CompletionsDataSpec
✅ Given completions response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given completions request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given completions of MultiplePrompt response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given completions of MultiplePrompt request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ core/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.embeddings.EmbeddingsDataSpec.xml
1 tests were completed in 12ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.embeddings.EmbeddingsDataSpec | 1✅ | 12ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.embeddings.EmbeddingsDataSpec
✅ Given list files response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.files.FilesResponseDataSpec.xml
4 tests were completed in 26ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.files.FilesResponseDataSpec | 4✅ | 26ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.files.FilesResponseDataSpec
✅ Given list files response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given upload file response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given delete file response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given retrieve file response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.finetuning.FineTuningDataSpec.xml
5 tests were completed in 88ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.finetuning.FineTuningDataSpec | 5✅ | 88ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.finetuning.FineTuningDataSpec
✅ Given create fine tuning job request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create fine tuning job response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given list fine tuning jobs response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given list fine tuning job events response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given list fine tuning job checkpoints response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.images.creation.ImageCreationDataSpec.xml
4 tests were completed in 100ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.images.creation.ImageCreationDataSpec | 4✅ | 100ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.images.creation.ImageCreationDataSpec
✅ Given image generation response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given create image request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create image request as case class created with enum values should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create image request as case class with different model should be properly serialized to Json
✅ core/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.models.ModelsGetResponseDataSpec.xml
1 tests were completed in 36ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.models.ModelsGetResponseDataSpec | 1✅ | 36ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.models.ModelsGetResponseDataSpec
✅ Given models response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.moderations.ModerationsDataSpec.xml
2 tests were completed in 18ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.moderations.ModerationsDataSpec | 2✅ | 18ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.moderations.ModerationsDataSpec
✅ Given create moderation response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Unknown moderation model in create response should be deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.threads.messages.ThreadMessagesDataSpec.xml
6 tests were completed in 45ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.threads.messages.ThreadMessagesDataSpec | 6✅ | 45ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.threads.messages.ThreadMessagesDataSpec
✅ Given create thread message request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create thread message response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given list messages response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given retrieve message response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given modify message response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given delete message response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.threads.runs.ThreadRunsDataSpec.xml
13 tests were completed in 101ms with 13 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.threads.runs.ThreadRunsDataSpec | 13✅ | 101ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.threads.runs.ThreadRunsDataSpec
✅ Given create thread run request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create thread run response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given create thread and run request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create thread and run response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given list runs response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given list run steps response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given retrieve run response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given retrieve run step response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given modify thread run request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given modify run response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given submit tool outputs to run request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given submit tool outputs to run response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given cancel run response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.threads.ThreadsDataSpec.xml
7 tests were completed in 29ms with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.threads.ThreadsDataSpec | 7✅ | 29ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.threads.ThreadsDataSpec
✅ Given empty create thread request as case class should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create threads request with messages and no attachments should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create threads request with messages should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create threads request with messages and metadata should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create empty thread response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given create thread with messages and metadata response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ Given delete thread response as Json should be properly deserialized to case class
✅ core/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.vectorstore.file.VectorStoreFileDataSpec.xml
6 tests were completed in 122ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.vectorstore.file.VectorStoreFileDataSpec | 6✅ | 122ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.vectorstore.file.VectorStoreFileDataSpec
✅ Given create vector store file request should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Vector store file search params should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Vector store file response should be properly deserialized from Json
✅ Vector store file response with error should be properly deserialized from Json
✅ Vector store file list response should be properly deserialized from Json
✅ Delete of vector store file response should be properly deserialized from Json
✅ core/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.requests.vectorstore.VectorStoreDataSpec.xml
6 tests were completed in 22ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.requests.vectorstore.VectorStoreDataSpec | 6✅ | 22ms |
✅ sttp.openai.requests.vectorstore.VectorStoreDataSpec
✅ Given create vector store request should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given create vector store request with expires should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Given modify vector store request should be properly serialized to Json
✅ Vector store object should be properly deserialized from Json
✅ List of vector stores should be properly deserialized from Json
✅ Delete of vector stores response should be properly deserialized from Json
✅ streaming/akka/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.streaming.akka.AkkaClientSpec.xml
12 tests were completed in 930ms with 12 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.streaming.akka.AkkaClientSpec | 12✅ | 930ms |
✅ sttp.openai.streaming.akka.AkkaClientSpec
✅ Service response with status code: 429 should return properly deserialized RateLimitException
✅ Service response with status code: 400 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 404 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 415 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 401 should return properly deserialized AuthenticationException
✅ Service response with status code: 403 should return properly deserialized PermissionException
✅ Service response with status code: 409 should return properly deserialized TryAgain
✅ Service response with status code: 503 should return properly deserialized ServiceUnavailableException
✅ Service response with status code: 410 should return properly deserialized APIException
✅ Creating chat completions with failed stream due to invalid deserialization should return properly deserialized error
✅ Creating chat completions with successful response should ignore empty events and return properly deserialized list of chunks
✅ Creating chat completions with successful response should stop listening after [DONE] event and return properly deserialized list of chunks
✅ streaming/fs2/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.streaming.fs2.Fs2ClientSpec.xml
12 tests were completed in 2s with 12 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.streaming.fs2.Fs2ClientSpec | 12✅ | 2s |
✅ sttp.openai.streaming.fs2.Fs2ClientSpec
✅ Service response with status code: 429 should return properly deserialized RateLimitException
✅ Service response with status code: 400 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 404 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 415 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 401 should return properly deserialized AuthenticationException
✅ Service response with status code: 403 should return properly deserialized PermissionException
✅ Service response with status code: 409 should return properly deserialized TryAgain
✅ Service response with status code: 503 should return properly deserialized ServiceUnavailableException
✅ Service response with status code: 410 should return properly deserialized APIException
✅ Creating chat completions with failed stream due to invalid deserialization should return properly deserialized error
✅ Creating chat completions with successful response should ignore empty events and return properly deserialized list of chunks
✅ Creating chat completions with successful response should stop listening after [DONE] event and return properly deserialized list of chunks
✅ streaming/fs2/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.streaming.fs2.Fs2ClientSpec.xml
12 tests were completed in 1s with 12 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.streaming.fs2.Fs2ClientSpec | 12✅ | 1s |
✅ sttp.openai.streaming.fs2.Fs2ClientSpec
✅ Service response with status code: 429 should return properly deserialized RateLimitException
✅ Service response with status code: 400 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 404 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 415 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 401 should return properly deserialized AuthenticationException
✅ Service response with status code: 403 should return properly deserialized PermissionException
✅ Service response with status code: 409 should return properly deserialized TryAgain
✅ Service response with status code: 503 should return properly deserialized ServiceUnavailableException
✅ Service response with status code: 410 should return properly deserialized APIException
✅ Creating chat completions with failed stream due to invalid deserialization should return properly deserialized error
✅ Creating chat completions with successful response should ignore empty events and return properly deserialized list of chunks
✅ Creating chat completions with successful response should stop listening after [DONE] event and return properly deserialized list of chunks
✅ streaming/ox/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.streaming.ox.OxClientSpec.xml
12 tests were completed in 808ms with 12 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.streaming.ox.OxClientSpec | 12✅ | 808ms |
✅ sttp.openai.streaming.ox.OxClientSpec
✅ Service response with status code: 429 should return properly deserialized RateLimitException
✅ Service response with status code: 400 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 404 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 415 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 401 should return properly deserialized AuthenticationException
✅ Service response with status code: 403 should return properly deserialized PermissionException
✅ Service response with status code: 409 should return properly deserialized TryAgain
✅ Service response with status code: 503 should return properly deserialized ServiceUnavailableException
✅ Service response with status code: 410 should return properly deserialized APIException
✅ Creating chat completions with failed stream due to invalid deserialization should return properly deserialized error
✅ Creating chat completions with successful response should ignore empty events and return properly deserialized list of chunks
✅ Creating chat completions with successful response should stop listening after [DONE] event and return properly deserialized list of chunks
✅ streaming/pekko/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.streaming.pekko.PekkoClientSpec.xml
12 tests were completed in 1s with 12 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.streaming.pekko.PekkoClientSpec | 12✅ | 1s |
✅ sttp.openai.streaming.pekko.PekkoClientSpec
✅ Service response with status code: 429 should return properly deserialized RateLimitException
✅ Service response with status code: 400 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 404 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 415 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 401 should return properly deserialized AuthenticationException
✅ Service response with status code: 403 should return properly deserialized PermissionException
✅ Service response with status code: 409 should return properly deserialized TryAgain
✅ Service response with status code: 503 should return properly deserialized ServiceUnavailableException
✅ Service response with status code: 410 should return properly deserialized APIException
✅ Creating chat completions with failed stream due to invalid deserialization should return properly deserialized error
✅ Creating chat completions with successful response should ignore empty events and return properly deserialized list of chunks
✅ Creating chat completions with successful response should stop listening after [DONE] event and return properly deserialized list of chunks
✅ streaming/pekko/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.streaming.pekko.PekkoClientSpec.xml
12 tests were completed in 793ms with 12 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.streaming.pekko.PekkoClientSpec | 12✅ | 793ms |
✅ sttp.openai.streaming.pekko.PekkoClientSpec
✅ Service response with status code: 429 should return properly deserialized RateLimitException
✅ Service response with status code: 400 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 404 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 415 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 401 should return properly deserialized AuthenticationException
✅ Service response with status code: 403 should return properly deserialized PermissionException
✅ Service response with status code: 409 should return properly deserialized TryAgain
✅ Service response with status code: 503 should return properly deserialized ServiceUnavailableException
✅ Service response with status code: 410 should return properly deserialized APIException
✅ Creating chat completions with failed stream due to invalid deserialization should return properly deserialized error
✅ Creating chat completions with successful response should ignore empty events and return properly deserialized list of chunks
✅ Creating chat completions with successful response should stop listening after [DONE] event and return properly deserialized list of chunks
✅ streaming/zio/target/jvm-2.13/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.streaming.zio.ZioClientSpec.xml
12 tests were completed in 844ms with 12 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.streaming.zio.ZioClientSpec | 12✅ | 844ms |
✅ sttp.openai.streaming.zio.ZioClientSpec
✅ Service response with status code: 429 should return properly deserialized RateLimitException
✅ Service response with status code: 400 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 404 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 415 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 401 should return properly deserialized AuthenticationException
✅ Service response with status code: 403 should return properly deserialized PermissionException
✅ Service response with status code: 409 should return properly deserialized TryAgain
✅ Service response with status code: 503 should return properly deserialized ServiceUnavailableException
✅ Service response with status code: 410 should return properly deserialized APIException
✅ Creating chat completions with failed stream due to invalid deserialization should return properly deserialized error
✅ Creating chat completions with successful response should ignore empty events and return properly deserialized list of chunks
✅ Creating chat completions with successful response should stop listening after [DONE] event and return properly deserialized list of chunks
✅ streaming/zio/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.openai.streaming.zio.ZioClientSpec.xml
12 tests were completed in 1s with 12 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
sttp.openai.streaming.zio.ZioClientSpec | 12✅ | 1s |
✅ sttp.openai.streaming.zio.ZioClientSpec
✅ Service response with status code: 429 should return properly deserialized RateLimitException
✅ Service response with status code: 400 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 404 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 415 should return properly deserialized InvalidRequestException
✅ Service response with status code: 401 should return properly deserialized AuthenticationException
✅ Service response with status code: 403 should return properly deserialized PermissionException
✅ Service response with status code: 409 should return properly deserialized TryAgain
✅ Service response with status code: 503 should return properly deserialized ServiceUnavailableException
✅ Service response with status code: 410 should return properly deserialized APIException
✅ Creating chat completions with failed stream due to invalid deserialization should return properly deserialized error
✅ Creating chat completions with successful response should ignore empty events and return properly deserialized list of chunks
✅ Creating chat completions with successful response should stop listening after [DONE] event and return properly deserialized list of chunks