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Jeff Hufford edited this page Mar 28, 2018 · 5 revisions


  1. ESP-12e. This project was developed on a 4MB flash chip size. If you're using an earlier module with less space, feel free to re-configure SPIFFS and user config. Or, you know, just spend $2 and get an esp-12e

  2. RFM69W/RFM69HW.

  3. Linux to build stuff.

Getting Started

1. Build Toolchain:

Clone and build the latest esp-open-sdk if you haven't already. Make sure to install the stand-alone version (STANDALONE=y)

2. Edit makefiles

main project makefile:

Replace YOUR-PATH with the path to esp-open-sdk:

   OPENSDK_ROOT ?= /YOUR-PATH/esp-open-sdk-1.5.2

In addition to the above, configure the following as desired:

  • STA_SSID: Pre-configure a WiFi SSID to connect to
  • STA_PASS: password for above
  • RFM_INTR_PIN: ESP pin # for DIO0 on RFM69 (uses GPIO4 by default)
  • RFM69_FREQ: 91 = 915MHz; 86 = 868 MHz; 43 = 433MHz
  • RFM69_NET_ID: RFM69 network ID, 1-254
  • RFM69_NODE_ID: RFM69 ID to use for this ESP8266
  • RFM69_DEV_ID: Default Node ID to send packets to
  • RFM69_IS_HW: 1 == HW (20dB), 0 == W (13dB) - MUST BE SET CORRECTLY
  • RFM69_ENCRYPT_KEY: 16 character encryption key for RFM69 AES. - MUST BE 16 CHARS

spiffy-compressor makefile:

I have modified SPIFFY to go into the tools/spiffy-compressor/html folder, and look for css, js, and html files. It then compresses them, using gzip compression where appropriate, and then adds them to a 64KByte SPIFFS rom.

This is done each time a 'make' is issued. If you want to change that, just change the FLASH_SPIFFS option in the makefile.

The result is spiffy_rom.bin, which then gets copied to the bin folder and flashed when make flash is issued with FLASH_SPIFFS set.

To make the compressed HTML image you will need to first compile spiffy-compressor located in the tools folder. This folder contains all the static FS files for the webapp and may be changed as desired.


mkdir -p tools/spiffy-compressor/spiffy/build
mkdir -p tools/spiffy-compressor/build
make clean-spiffy
make spiffy

3. Build the project

Make sure spiffy has been built (make spiffy), then run:


This should compile everything and copy 0x00000.bin, 0x10000.bin, and spiffy_rom.bin to the bin directory.

If that's all good, then put the ESP8266 in flash mode and run

make flash