08.08.2022 @Soufiane Karmouche (SK), Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP), University of Bremen
- This repository presents a sample of the regime-oriented causal model evaluation (CME) in the form of jupyter notebooks. The main set of code is used to produce most of the figures on the paper "karmouche23esd_CausalModelEvaluation_Modes"
Karmouche, S., Galytska, E., Runge, J., Meehl, G. A., Phillips, A. S., Weigel, K., and Eyring, V.: Regime-oriented causal model evaluation of Atlantic-Pacific teleconnections in CMIP6, EGUsphere [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2022-1013, 2022.
git clone https://github.com/EyringMLClimateGroup/karmouche23esd_CausalModelEvaluation_Modes
cd karmouche23esd_CausalModelEvaluation_Modes
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate causalenv
cd ..
3. Install the TIGRAMITE package to use PCMCI+: please follow instructions: here
git clone https://github.com/jakobrunge/tigramite.git
cd tigramite
python setup.py install
cd ..
It is the User's responsibility to install TIGRAMITE. Results of the paper have been produced using version:
After installing Tigramite in the conda environment, add environment to jupyter kernels:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=causalenv
The complete CVDP-LE diagnostic for the 1900-2014 historical CMIP6 comparison run can be found on: CESM CVCWG CVDP-LE Data Repository
wget http://webext.cgd.ucar.edu/Multi-Case/CVDP-LE_repository/CMIP6_Historical_1900-2014/CMIP6_Historical_1900-2014.cvdp_data.tar
tar -xvf CMIP6_Historical_1900-2014.cvdp_data.tar
After installing TIGRAMITE and downloading the data, it is time to slightly edit the jupyter notebooks before running them.
- In the first code cell (Imports): Remove the hashtag (#) at the beginning of last four lines in the Imports cell (e.g.
from tigramite
...) - Change the path_to_data in Data PATH cell to where CMIP6_Historical_1900-2014.cvdp_data is saved.
- In the first code cell (Imports): Remove the hashtag (#) at the beginning of last line in the Imports cell (e.g.
from tigramite import plotting as tp
- Change the path_to_data in Data PATH cell to where CMIP6_Historical_1900-2014.cvdp_data is saved.
mkdir Results_DIR/
We recommend running the notebooks in the order below:
(some notebooks require results from other notebooks)
To refer to figures from the paper, please see overview_figures to locate the notebook needed to produce a specific plot.