Script to add users on blip chatbot
- Clone this repository
- Edit config file
- Run with docker
Create a file with follow name config.development.json in configuration folder. Copy the content from config.json and paste in your development file.
In this file you will edit the values to execute the script. Follow the explain of the properties and values to insert in config file:
- userInfo: Values to get user that access the portal
- mail: The email from the user that access the portal
- password: The password from the user that access the portal
- bots: The bots identifier to insert the users
- usersInsert: The users information that will be insert in bots
- mail: The email from user that will be have access
- profile: The profile that this user is (Admin | Visualizar e editar | Visualizar)
To run this app, you will need to have Docker installed in your machine
With docker installed and configured, navigate to root folder of this project and execute the follow commands:
Build this project using Dockerfile and create an image:
docker build . -t imageName
Run the image created:
docker run imageName
PS: on above commands substitute the imageName to the name that you want to give to your docker image