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avoiding circular reference code (#2)
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yuyuqq committed Feb 3, 2025
1 parent c750cae commit 4ff2dda
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Showing 34 changed files with 114 additions and 983 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion racs2_demos_on_spaceros/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8)

add_compile_options(-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic)
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31 changes: 24 additions & 7 deletions racs2_demos_on_spaceros/Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,15 +65,17 @@ RUN git submodule update

# Get the RACS2 source code
RUN git clone
RUN git clone -b v1.1

# Get the demo source code
# rename old demo directory and exclude from build
RUN mv demos demos_old
# RUN mv demos demos_old
RUN cp -r demos demos_old
RUN touch demos_old/COLCON_IGNORE
# git clone new demo
RUN git clone -b racs2_demo
# RUN git clone -b racs2_demo2
# RUN git clone

# Customize cFS to run the bridge
Expand All @@ -82,8 +84,12 @@ RUN cp -r cfe/cmake/sample_defs sample_defs
RUN cp -pr ${RACS2_DEMO_DIR}/racs2_bridge/cFS/Bridge/Client_C/apps/racs2_bridge_client apps/

# Deploy the run_app application and adjust the startup scripts
RUN cp -pr ${DEMO_DIR}/src/demos/mars_rover/cFS/sample_defs/* ${RACS2_DEMO_DIR}/cfs/sample_defs/
RUN cp -pr ${DEMO_DIR}/src/demos/mars_rover/cFS/apps/run_app ${RACS2_DEMO_DIR}/cfs/apps/
# RUN cp -pr ${DEMO_DIR}/src/demos/racs2_demos_on_spaceros/cFS/sample_defs/* ${RACS2_DEMO_DIR}/cfs/sample_defs/
# RUN cp -pr ${DEMO_DIR}/src/demos/racs2_demos_on_spaceros/cFS/apps/run_app ${RACS2_DEMO_DIR}/cfs/apps/
COPY cFS/sample_defs/cpu1_cfe_es_startup.scr ${RACS2_DEMO_DIR}/cfs/sample_defs/cpu1_cfe_es_startup.scr
COPY cFS/sample_defs/racs2_bridge_config.txt ${RACS2_DEMO_DIR}/cfs/sample_defs/racs2_bridge_config.txt
COPY cFS/sample_defs/targets.cmake ${RACS2_DEMO_DIR}/cfs/sample_defs/targets.cmake
COPY cFS/apps/run_app ${RACS2_DEMO_DIR}/cfs/apps/run_app

# This is necessary to run cFS inside docker
RUN sed -i -e 's/^#undef OSAL_DEBUG_PERMISSIVE_MODE/#define OSAL_DEBUG_PERMISSIVE_MODE 1/g' sample_defs/default_osconfig.h
Expand All @@ -103,14 +109,25 @@ WORKDIR ${DEMO_DIR}
# Copy bridge & racs2_msg node
RUN cp -pr ${RACS2_DEMO_DIR}/racs2_bridge/ROS2/Bridge/Server_Python/bridge_py_s src/
RUN cp -pr ${RACS2_DEMO_DIR}/racs2_bridge/Example/Case.1/ROS2/racs2_msg src/

COPY CMakeLists.txt ${DEMO_DIR}/src/demos/mars_rover/CMakeLists.txt
COPY package.xml ${DEMO_DIR}/src/demos/mars_rover/package.xml
# COPY racs2_demos_on_spaceros ${DEMO_DIR}/src/demos/mars_rover/racs2_demos_on_spaceros
COPY launch/ ${DEMO_DIR}/src/demos/mars_rover/launch/
COPY nodes/ ${DEMO_DIR}/src/demos/mars_rover/nodes/
COPY nodes/move_wheel ${DEMO_DIR}/src/demos/mars_rover/nodes/move_wheel

# Install dependencies
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/var/cache/apt,sharing=locked \
--mount=type=cache,target=/var/lib/apt,sharing=locked \
sudo apt-get update -y \
&& /bin/bash -c 'source "${SPACEROS_DIR}/install/setup.bash"' \
&& /bin/bash -c 'source "${MOVEIT2_DIR}/install/setup.bash"' \
&& rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y --rosdistro ${ROSDISTRO}
&& rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y --rosdistro ${ROS_DISTRO}

# Build the demo
RUN /bin/bash -c 'source ${SPACEROS_DIR}/install/setup.bash && source ${MOVEIT2_DIR}/install/setup.bash \
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75 changes: 66 additions & 9 deletions racs2_demos_on_spaceros/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,30 +7,87 @@ The Dockerfile installs all of the prerequisite system dependencies along with t
This is RACS2 Bridge demo for Curiosity Mars rover.

## Building the Demo Docker
To build:

The demo image builds on top of the `spaceros`, `moveit2`, `space_robots` images.
To build the docker image, first ensure the `spaceros` base image is available either by [building it locally]( or pulling it.

Then build the `moveit2`, `space_robots` and `racs2_demos_on_spaceros` demo images:

git clone
cd docker/moveit2
cd ../space_robots
cd ../../
For detail and please read docker/racs2_demos_on_spaceros/

## Running the Demo Docker
To run (enter docker environment by docker run):

(at /path/to/demos/racs2_demos_on_spaceros/docker/racs2_demos_on_spaceros)
run the following to allow GUI passthrough:
xhost +local:docker

Then run:
You will need three terminals to run demo.

For instractions after entering docker, please read docker/racs2_demos_on_spaceros/
Depending on the host computer, you might need to remove the ```--gpus all``` flag in ``````, which uses your GPUs.

## Running the Demos

## Reference
### Curiosity Mars rover demo
Launch the rover demo (calling Terminal 1):
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch mars_rover

* [RACS2 Bridge by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)](
#### RACS2 Bridge demo

* [Hiroki Kato and Tatsuhiko Saito, "RACS2: the ROS2 and cFS System - launched" Flight Software Workshop 2023.](
##### Running racs2 bridge node
Open a new terminal (calling Terminal 2) and attach to the currently running container:

docker exec -it <container-name> bash
source install/setup.bash
ros2 run bridge_py_s bridge_py_s_node --ros-args --params-file ./src/bridge_py_s/config/params.yaml

##### Running cFS bridge app & run_app app
Open a new terminal (calling Terminal 3) and attach to the currently running container:

docker exec -it <container-name> bash
cd ~/racs2_ws
cd cfs/build/exe/cpu1/

**Executing commands to the rover must be done with this terminal active.**

* [Hiroki Kato and Tatsuhiko Saito, "ROS and cFS System (RACS): Easing Space Robotic Development post-opensource activities and ROS2 integration" Flight Software Workshop 2021.](

##### Available Commands

Drive commands to the rover are input via keyboard in Terimnal 3. The keymap is as follows.

* "w": Drive the rover forward
* "s": Drive the rover backward
* "a": Turn left
* "d": Turn right
* "x": Stop the rover

##### Nodes
![RACS2 demo on Space ROS Mars rover demo](racs2_demo_on_spaceros_nodes.png)

## Reference

* [RACS2 bridge project by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)](

* [Hiroki Kato and Tatsuhiko Saito, "RACS2: the ROS2 and cFS System - launched" Flight Software Workshop 2023.](

* [Hiroki Kato and Tatsuhiko Saito, "ROS and cFS System (RACS): Easing Space Robotic Development post-opensource activities and ROS2 integration" Flight Software Workshop 2021.](
13 changes: 3 additions & 10 deletions racs2_demos_on_spaceros/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,18 +12,11 @@ set -eo pipefail

echo ""
echo "##### Building RACS2 Demo on Space ROS Docker Image #####"
echo "##### moveit2 -> space_robots -> racs2_demos_on_spaceros #####"
echo ""

cd docker/moveit2
cd ../space_robots
cd ../racs2_demos_on_spaceros
cd ..
cd ..
docker build -t $ORG/$IMAGE:$TAG \
--build-arg VCS_REF="$VCS_REF" \
--build-arg VERSION="$VERSION" .

echo ""
echo "##### Done! #####"
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155 changes: 0 additions & 155 deletions racs2_demos_on_spaceros/docker/moveit2/Dockerfile

This file was deleted.


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