Rails app that runs the TestFormVendor.com OpenID Connect Sample app
A few files are noteworthy in checking out for wring your own RP application:
- Main Controller -- Authorization Code flow happens here
- Index View -- Sets up the log in event for a chosen OIDC Provider
- Callback View -- The callback for OIDC. This has two separate views. One using the javascript lib for Implicit and Hybrid flows, and one displaying server-side controller variables when using Authorization Code
- Install gems:
$ bundle install
- Set up the SQLite DB
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate
- Add a user for yourself
$ bundle exec rake "user:create[my@email.com,My Name,passw0rd]"
(If you do not specify a password, one will be randomly generated and printed)
- Run a local rails server
$ bundle exec rails server
- Point your web browser to http://localhost:3000/
- Have Fun!!!
- Fork the testformvendor repo
- Create a feature branch in your local clone
- Submit a pull request