This is a feature-rich anime website clone built using React. The site includes features like a search bar to look up specific titles and details page that shows information about each anime.
- Top 10 airing animes ordered by ratings
- Trending Animes
- Anime images display section
- Latest anime episodes and genres
- Detailed Information: Each anime's synopsis, episode count, rating, and other key details.
- Similar Animes: Recommended titles based on genre.
- Top Airing: Current popular shows for easy access to trending content.
- Anime Search
- React.js with Vite for fast build and dev environments
- React Router for seamless navigation between pages
- Axios for making API requests
- React Icons for a visually appealing UI
- React Popper for positioning tooltips and popups
- Swiper for smooth carousels and slide effects
- Ant Design for consistent styling and component usage
- EsLint for code consistency and quality
- Jikan API (v4) for up-to-date anime data
Clone the repository and install the dependencies:
# Clone this repository
git clone
# Go into the repository
cd react-anime-site
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run the project
npm run dev