A dual-function perspective target camera for use with THREE.js. It can be used as both a third-person chase camera, or a first-person camera, or a static camera that follows a target.
Since this camera is a moving object, it needs to be updated on a per-frame basis. To do this, call the update()
method from within your render loop.
v1.1.0: Added
THREE.TargetCamera#removeTarget( targetName, replacementTargetName )
. -
v1.0.0: Fixed issue when using this little helper library with THREE.js r71. Also bumped to version 1.0.0, since the API is stable and not going to change.
You can use this camera as a drop-in replacement for a normal THREE.PerspectiveCamera;
var camera = new THREE.TargetCamera( fov, aspect, near, far );
After creating the camera, add a target for the camera to track:
// For the sake of this example, here's an object to track
var box = new THREE.Mesh(
new THREE.CubeGeometry( 10, 10, 10 ),
new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xffffff } )
// Add the box as a camera target with the name of "myTarget".
// The `cameraPosition` argument is an offset vector relative
// to the target object.
name: 'myTarget',
targetObject: box,
cameraPosition: new THREE.Vector3(0, 30, 50),
fixed: false,
stiffness: 0.1,
matchRotation: true
// Now tell this camera to track the target we just created.
camera.setTarget( 'myTarget' );
// ...
// In your render loop:
: String. A unique identifier for the target.
: THREE.Object3D. Any instance of a THREE.Object3D
: THREE.Vector3. The camera position. When the camera isn't fixed, this property is relative to the target object. When fixed, it's just a normal position vector.
: THREE.Quaternion | THREE.Euler | undefined. An optional parameter to describe the rotation of the camera. This rotation is added to the camera before any other movement.
: Boolean. Whether this camera is fixed, or whether it should "chase" the target.
: Number, > 0 and <= 1. How much should the camera "stick" to the target's position and rotation. A lower number gives more fluid movement.
: Boolean. Whether to match the rotation of the target object when the camera is not fixed.
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npm install -g grunt-cli
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cd projectFolder
npm install
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