Spring Boot Project demonstrating JPA and Hibernate capabilities. Examples covering Entities, SpringJDBC, JPA, Hibernate, SpringDataJPA, SQL Queries Using JPQL, Native Queries, basics of SpringREST/REST APIs, En cache for Second level caching using H2 database , MySQL and MongoDB along with TestNG Unit Tests examples for Repositories, utilising Lombok and Faker libraries
- Java
- SpringBoot
- Hibernate
- H2 Database, MySQL Database, MongoDB
- TestNG
Examples | Packages/Files/Location |
CRUD operations using SpringJDBC | jdbcRepository - Repository implementing Methods for SQL CRUD queries, JDBCApplication - Runner Class to Run the JDBC specific operations |
CRUD operations using JPA and Hibernate using Entity Manager | entitymanager - package containing the entities, repository and test (segregated at entity, repository and test layer) |
Custom Methods for CRUD operations | CourseSpringDataRepositoryImpl - Repository Interface implementing Custom Methods |
SpringDataJPA queries (Finder methods) | springjpadata - package containing the entities, repository and test (segregated at entity, repository and test layer) |
Inheritance Mapping | inheritancemapping - package containing the entities, repository and test (segregated at entity, repository and test layer) |
Component Mapping/Embedded Table in Entity | componentmapping - package containing the entities, repository and test (segregated at entity, repository and test layer) |
CRUD operations/pagination/sorting using JPQL, Native SQL Query | springdatajpa - package containing the entities, repository and test (segregated at entity, repository and test layer) |
Relationships | relationships - package containing the entities, repository and test (segregated at entity, repository and test layer) |
AutoGenerated ID using custom Table, Composite Key IDs, Embedded IDs | customids - package containing the entities, repository and test (segregated at entity, repository and test layer) |
File Saving and Retrieving | fileshandling - package containing the entities, repository and test (segregated at entity, repository and test layer) |
Softdelete | softdelete - package containing the entities, repository and test (segregated at entity, repository and test layer) |
Stored procedures | storedprocedures - package containing the entities, repository and test (segregated at entity, repository and test layer) |
Transaction Management | transactionmanagement - package containing the entities, repository, service and test (segregated at entity, repository, service and test layer) |
REST APIs for CRUD operations | restfulapis - package containing the entities, repository, controller and test (segregated at entity, repository, controller and test layer) |
MongoDB CRUD operations | mongodb - package containing the entities, repository and test (segregated at entity, repository and test layer) |
Eh Cache - 2nd Level Caching | eh cache - package containing the entities, repository and test (segregated at entity, repository and test layer) |
H2 Database and MySQL Database | application.properties - Configurations for H2 and MySQL Databases |
ENUM to set Data in the Column | enums - package containing ENUM that is used with Rating entity(entitymanager package) and relevant Test methods |
TestNG Unit Tests | test/../repository - package containing TestNG tests for relevant Repositories |
- There are two Spring Boot Application file (annotated by SpringBootApplication), JDBCApplication and ** JpaAndHibernateApplication**; by default JpaAndHibernateApplication is configured for the Run, JDBCApplication annotation is commented out.
- To run the JDBCApplication to check SpringJDBC specific Runs, uncomment the SpringBootApplication annotation in the file and comment the SpringBootApplication annotation in the JpaAndHibernateApplication file
- The properties file have configuration for H2 database and MySQL, by default H2 database is setup
- To run the tests in H2 database, uncomment the configuration for H2 in application.properties and comment out the MySQL database, MongoDB properties
- On running the Tests file or the JPAandHibernateApplication file the H2 database will be utitlized and the data can be cross-checked in the H2 database
- The data.sql will be loaded to the H2 database for Test data when the H2 database is configured
- To run the tests in MySQL database, uncomment the configuration for MySQL in application.properties and comment out the H2 database, MongoDB properties
- Configure the MySQL database in the local environment
- From the src/main/resources take the db_schema.sql first and then the table.sql and run the script in MySQL to create the DB, Users and Relevant Tables required
- On running the Tests file or the JPAandHibernateApplication file the MySQL database will be utitlized and the data can be cross-checked in the MySQL database
- To run the tests in MongoDB, uncomment the configuration for MongoDB in application.properties and comment out the H2 and MySQL database properties
- On running the Tests file ItemSpringDataMongoRepositoryTest located under test/*/repository/mongodb/ the MongoDB will be utilized and the data can be cross-checked in the MongoDB
- Check the specified Port Number in application.properties is free or not, or else change it to an available port like 9891, 9020
- Setup the MySQL and MongoDB in local environment
Special Thanks to many Instructors who have done a splendid job on explaining the course concepts
- in28minutes
- Bharath Thippireddy
- And many more sources from which I learnt trouble-shooting points via YouTube, StackOverFlow, SpringJPA Docs and Articles