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SSDD Realtime Database (ZotDB)

ZotDB provides you realtime Database service on your own VPS/pc.

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 implementation 'dev.ssdd:rtdb:2.6.1'



Implement the Server.

Please checkout server branch



Methods/params uses
setValue() used to push an object to database.
addValueEventListener() used to query and listen to multiple values
addSingleValueEventListener() used to query and listen to single value object
child() it's used to refer a path in the database
push() used to generate a unique keyID for the database and add to path referance
getPushKey() returns string of unique id


  • To initiate:-
  ZotDB zotDB = ZotDB.init("ws://<serverip>:<port>/<dbid>");
//dbid is the root name of your json, for more details please see server logs
  • To navigate to some path:-
//there are server ways to navigate through your db like:- 
ZotDB zotDB = ZotDB.init("ws://<serverip>/dbid").child("abc/xyz/xyz1");

// or
// or 

//note that the above path reference will be reset everytime
// you called method to listen values or set/update values.
  • To Listen to Single Value:-
zotDB.child("abc/xyz/xyz1").addSingleValueEventListener(new SingleValueEventListener() {
            public void onDataChange(@Nullable Object data) {
  • To add/update value to the database:-
//let's say we have JSON:- 
//     "ssdd": {
//         "abc": {
//             "xyz": {
//                 "xyz1": "ayo"
//             }
//         }
//     }
// }

//so setValue will set (or update value if exists) some value to "hie".
//in this case the json will become:- 
//     "ssdd": {
//         "abc": {
//             "xyz": {
//                 "xyz1": "hie"
//             }
//         }
//     }
// }

//for more info please chekc test/java folder
  • To remove Value:-
//this will remove value at 'abc/xyz/xyz1'
  • To listen to multiple values
//please check out the folder test/java

For more info please checkout Example




  • v2.6(dependency) :- major update and stable release
  • v2.6(server):- major update with feature to add multiple servers in the same server file.
  • V-1.0.4-BETA:- Public beta, extended support for all java projects.
  • V-1.0.3-BETA:- Internal Tests.
  • V-1.0.2-BETA:- Internal Tests.
  • V-1.0.1-BETA:- Major bug fixes.
  • V-1.0.1:- Major bug fixes.


Sandip:- Creator, Developer of SSDDRTDB.

Yamin:- Publishing and management.


RTDB is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0
Permissions of this strong copyleft license are conditioned on making
available complete source code of licensed works and modifications,
which include larger works using a licensed work, under the same
license. Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors
provide an express grant of patent rights.