This is an automation tool for detecting plagarism in the code assignments.
Note: This project uses MOSS software by Standford Univerity
- Flask
- React
- Postgresql
cd to root dir ie. GPD
npm run start
cd to GPD/server
flask run
Start postgresql server using
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start
> Back End
pip install Flask
cd server
pip install -r requirements.txt
> Front End
Install Npm, React
> Postgres
For Mac, postgresql DB installation
Get homebrew
brew update then brew doctor
brew install postgresql
start server using pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start
Enter psql postgres
to get started
Some handy command for Postgres
- Dump .pgsql into DB
psql gpd_dev < /Users/spawar2/Desktop/GitHub-Plagiarism-Detector/server/db.pgsql
Useful commands in psql command line
- to use DB
\c gpd_dev
- To list all DBS
- To list all Tables use
- To Empty table
truncate [table_name] cascade; #if foreign keys are there