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A powerful automation tool for executing remote commands and transferring files via SSH. It uses configuration files to define execution scenarios, making system administration and deployment tasks repeatable and reliable.


  • Scenario Configuration: Define your tasks in TOML files with inheritance support
  • Remote Command Execution: Run commands on remote servers with sudo support
  • File Transfer: Copy files to remote servers via SFTP
  • Variable Substitution: Use variables in your commands and file paths
  • Error Recovery: Define fallback tasks to execute when operations fail
  • Path Handling: Special handling for file paths with automatic basename extraction
  • Progress Tracking: Monitor execution progress with detailed feedback
  • GUI & CLI Interfaces: Choose between a graphical interface or command-line tool


Configuration Files

Scenario configurations are defined in TOML files:

# Basic structure for a scenario configuration
username = "your-username"
password = "your-password"  # Optional, will use SSH agent if not provided

host = ""
port = "22"

# Define the execution order of tasks
steps = [
  { task = "deploy_app" },
  { task = "extract_app" },
  { task = "copy_config", on-fail = ["rollback_deployment"] }  # With error recovery

# Variables generated by the app
timestamp = "%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S%:z"

# Define variables to be used in commands and file paths
app_name = "myapp"
app_version = "1.0.0"
remote_app_path = "/opt/{app_name}"

# Variables that must be provided by the user
"path:app_archive" = "Application Archive"  # Special path handling
deployment_env = "Environment"  # Format: variable_name = "Label"

# Define tasks that can be referenced in execution steps
type = "RemoteSudo"
description = "Deploy application"
command = "mkdir -p {remote_app_path} && cp /tmp/{basename:app_archive} {remote_app_path}/"
error_message = "Failed to deploy application"

type = "RemoteSudo"
description = "Extract application archive"
command = "tar -xzf {remote_app_path}/{basename:app_archive} -C {remote_app_path}"
error_message = "Failed to extract application"

type = "SftpCopy"
description = "Copy configuration file"
source_path = "config/{deployment_env}.conf"
destination_path = "{remote_app_path}/config.conf"
error_message = "Failed to copy configuration"

type = "RemoteSudo"
description = "Rollback failed deployment"
command = "rm -rf {remote_app_path}/*"
error_message = "Failed to rollback deployment"


You can split your configuration across multiple files and use inheritance:

Parent file (base.toml)

username = "default-user"

host = "default-host"
port = "22"

app_name = "default-app"

Child file (specific.toml)

parent = "base.toml"  # Will inherit and override from parent

username = "specific-user"

app_version = "1.0.0"  # Adds new variable while keeping app_name from parent

GUI Interface

The GUI provides an intuitive interface to:

  • Load scenario configurations
  • Set required variables
  • Monitor execution progress
  • View logs
  • Save state between runs

CLI Interface

For automation scripts or CI/CD pipelines:

scenario-rs-cli --config-path ./your-scenario.toml




✨ [gui]

go to:


✨ [] 🚧

▶️ run:

npm run tauri dev

🛠️ build:

npm run tauri build -- --debug

run executable:


✨ [gui.release] 🎁

🛠️ build:

npm run tauri build

run executable:


📟 [cli]

go to:


📟 [] 🚧

▶️ run:

cargo run -- -c ./example-scenario.toml

🛠️ build:

cargo build

run executable:

<cloned-dir>/scenario-rs/target/debug/scenario-rs-cli.exe --config-path ./example-scenario.toml


<cloned-dir>/scenario-rs/target/debug/scenario-rs-cli.exe -c ./example-scenario.toml

📟 [cli.release] 🎁

🛠️ build:

cargo build --release

run executable:

<cloned-dir>/scenario-rs/target/release/scenario-rs-cli.exe --config-path ./example-scenario.toml


<cloned-dir>/scenario-rs/target/release/scenario-rs-cli.exe -c ./example-scenario.toml