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dopamane committed Jun 11, 2024
2 parents c010246 + b70c93d commit 4778384
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Showing 18 changed files with 553 additions and 253 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion bayeux.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ library
, prettyprinter
, shake
, text
hs-source-dirs: src
hs-source-dirs: lib
default-language: Haskell2010

executable bx
Expand Down
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
175 changes: 175 additions & 0 deletions lib/Bayeux/RgbCounter.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Bayeux.RgbCounter
( prog
, compile
, cycleProg
, cycleCompile
) where

import Bayeux.Rtlil
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.String

class Monad m => MonadRgb m where
ctr :: m SigSpec
at :: SigSpec -> Integer -> m SigSpec
rgb :: SigSpec -> SigSpec -> SigSpec -> m ()

prog :: MonadRgb m => m ()
prog = do
c <- ctr
r <- c `at` 24
g <- c `at` 23
b <- c `at` 22
rgb r g b

newtype Rgb a = Rgb{ unRgb :: Writer [ModuleBody] a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadWriter [ModuleBody])

instance MonadRgb Rgb where
ctr = do
tell $ [ModuleBodyWire $ Wire [] $ WireStmt [WireOptionInput 1] "\\clk"] <> counter 32 "\\$my_counter" "\\unused" "$my_counter" "$procStmt"
return $ SigSpecWireId "\\$my_counter"

at sigSpec ix = do
[ ModuleBodyWire $ Wire [] $ WireStmt [WireOptionWidth 1] n
, ModuleBodyConnStmt $ ConnStmt (SigSpecWireId n) (SigSpecSlice sigSpec ix Nothing)
return $ SigSpecWireId n
n | ix == 24 = "\\pwm_r"
| ix == 23 = "\\pwm_g"
| otherwise = "\\pwm_b"

rgb r g b = do
tell [ ModuleBodyWire $ Wire [] $ WireStmt [WireOptionOutput 2] "\\red"
, ModuleBodyWire $ Wire [] $ WireStmt [WireOptionOutput 3] "\\green"
, ModuleBodyWire $ Wire [] $ WireStmt [WireOptionOutput 4] "\\blue"
, ModuleBodyCell $ sbRgbaDrv r g b

compile :: Rgb a -> File
compile = top . execWriter . unRgb

class MonadProcess m where
process :: (SigSpec -> m SigSpec) -> m SigSpec
increment :: SigSpec -> m SigSpec
eq :: SigSpec -> SigSpec -> m SigSpec

-- | If S == 1 then B else A
mux :: SigSpec -- ^ S
-> SigSpec -- ^ A
-> SigSpec -- ^ B
-> m SigSpec -- ^ Y

cycleProg :: MonadProcess m => MonadRgb m => m ()
cycleProg = do
t <- process $ \timer -> do
t1Sec <- timer `eq` second
timer' <- increment timer
mux t1Sec timer' zero
tEqZ <- t `eq` zero
c <- process $ \color -> do
cEqBlue <- color `eq` two
c' <- increment color
color' <- mux cEqBlue c' zero
mux tEqZ color color'
pwmR <- c `eq` zero
pwmG <- c `eq` one
pwmB <- c `eq` two
rgb pwmR pwmG pwmB
constSig = SigSpecConstant . ConstantInteger
zero = constSig 0
one = constSig 1
two = constSig 2
second = constSig 12000000

newtype Rtl a = Rtl{ unRtl :: WriterT [ModuleBody] (State Integer) a }
deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad
, MonadWriter [ModuleBody]
, MonadState Integer

instance MonadRgb Rtl where
ctr = do
tell $ [ModuleBodyWire $ Wire [] $ WireStmt [WireOptionInput 1] "\\clk"] <> counter 32 "\\$my_counter" "\\unused" "$my_counter" "$procStmt"
return $ SigSpecWireId "\\$my_counter"

at sigSpec ix = do
[ ModuleBodyWire $ Wire [] $ WireStmt [WireOptionWidth 1] n
, ModuleBodyConnStmt $ ConnStmt (SigSpecWireId n) (SigSpecSlice sigSpec ix Nothing)
return $ SigSpecWireId n
n | ix == 24 = "\\pwm_r"
| ix == 23 = "\\pwm_g"
| otherwise = "\\pwm_b"

rgb r g b = do
tell [ ModuleBodyWire $ Wire [] $ WireStmt [WireOptionOutput 2] "\\red"
, ModuleBodyWire $ Wire [] $ WireStmt [WireOptionOutput 3] "\\green"
, ModuleBodyWire $ Wire [] $ WireStmt [WireOptionOutput 4] "\\blue"
, ModuleBodyCell $ sbRgbaDrv r g b

instance MonadProcess Rtl where
process f = do
i <- get
modify (+ 1)
let old = fromString $ "\\ident" <> show i
j <- get
modify (+ 1)
let procStmt = fromString $ "$ident" <> show j
tell [ModuleBodyWire $ Wire [] $ WireStmt [WireOptionWidth 32] old]
srcSig <- f $ SigSpecWireId old
tell [ModuleBodyProcess $ updateP procStmt
(DestSigSpec $ SigSpecWireId old)
(SrcSigSpec $ srcSig)
return $ SigSpecWireId old

increment a = do
i <- get
modify (+ 1)
let y = fromString $ "\\ident" <> show i
j <- get
modify (+ 1)
let cId = fromString $ "$ident" <> show j
tell [ ModuleBodyWire $ Wire [] $ WireStmt [WireOptionWidth 32] y
, ModuleBodyCell $ addC cId False 32 False 32 32 a (SigSpecConstant $ ConstantInteger 1) y
return $ SigSpecWireId y
eq a b = do
i <- get
modify (+ 1)
let y = fromString $ "\\ident" <> show i
j <- get
modify (+ 1)
let cId = fromString $ "$ident" <> show j
tell [ ModuleBodyWire $ Wire [] $ WireStmt [WireOptionWidth 1] y
, ModuleBodyCell $ eqC cId False 32 False 32 1 a b y
return $ SigSpecWireId y
mux s a b = do
i <- get
modify (+ 1)
let y = fromString $ "\\ident" <> show i
j <- get
modify (+ 1)
let cId = fromString $ "$ident" <> show j
tell [ ModuleBodyWire $ Wire [] $ WireStmt [WireOptionWidth 32] y
, ModuleBodyCell $ muxC cId 32 a b s y
return $ SigSpecWireId y

cycleCompile :: Rtl a -> File
cycleCompile = top . clocked . flip evalState 1 . execWriterT . unRtl

clocked :: [ModuleBody] -> [ModuleBody]
clocked = (ModuleBodyWire (Wire [] $ WireStmt [WireOptionInput 1] "\\clk") :)

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