My Nuxt.js based developer website
# install dependencies
$ yarn
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev
# build for production and launch server
$ yarn build
$ yarn start
# generate static project (used at production server)
$ yarn generate
For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the Nuxt.js docs.
is used to store initial assets(before processing)
Images are cropped using ImageMagick and compressed using TinyPng.
convert archive/original.png -gravity center -resize 350x240\^ -crop 350x240+0+0 +repage static/converted.png
Original images are stored at /archive
for future use and the production ones under /static
, here is why
I use cli-real-favicon for generating icons.
To generate new favicons run:
yarn favicon-gen
You can visit the website for info AND for testing the favicons
Deploy master
with now to
yarn deploy
- decrease font and icons file size. You can also manually download the svg and use a icon generator tool
- fade in to improve user's speed perspective
- contact section and form (connect to BE when it's available)
- use srcset for RW images (fix device bug: project card images not centered)
- create plugin for FontFaceObserver and fix false negative error in promise
- fix console errors (typed js) | also slows down a lot "yarn dev"
- static html fallback
- what is the vue way to do animationend?
- Install App-Wide Components & Directives
- redirects issue from seo checker
- disable horizontal scrolling in iphone
- horizontal list and scrolling project cards in device mode
- 404 page doesn't work on production (-> because it's deployed as a spa)
- add some headers
- redirect domain to use production heroku and take full advantage of nuxt features
- maybe give this a try? looks fancy
- use #6DD8CE for active/link color? Also on select, hover, button:hover ("fills up" the button)
- what if everytime a user enters, there is another color chosen for links?
- test og images
- re-enable prettier
- future link
- fix sitemap
- add tsipiripo website
- improve cards
- add portfolio here:
- add a button around "Learn more about what I do": It's easier for the user to know where to click
- check performance
- update to latest version
- add some interactions on hover
- update content
- text-shadow: 1px 1px 10px rgb(255 255 255 / 20%), 1px 1px 10px #ccc;
- typer can be async loaded:
- replace static speed insights with link to real metrics because they change over time
Lighthouse Audits:
- 100 Performance
- 55 PWA
- 100 Accessibility
- 100 Best Practices
- 100 SEO
- 100 Performance
- 45 PWA
- 100 Accessibility
- 100 Best Practices
- 100 SEO
page speed insights 100 mobile / 100 desktop
sitechecker : 97%
structured data: 0/0/0
mobile friendly test: passed
Using Webhint :
yarn hint
The code is available under the MIT license.