Code and 3d print files for our Senior Design project. The mini drifter is a solar powered smart buoy designed to survive a year with minimal maintenence. It's housing is a modified pelican 1060 case, with a 3d-printed sensor guard epoxied to the bottom.
Code is organized into functions by component, with prefixes denoting the component that the function relates to. For example:
void sd_foo() {
//Do something with sd card
this would be the name of a function foo that exists for interacting with the sd card. As a more concrete example, here's our function that sets up the epaper display:
void epaper_setup() {
and all other functions related to the epaper display will also begin with "epaper_"
After the prefix of the function, camel case is used. For example:
void epaper_doTheThing() {
The first function in the file should be arduino's setup() function, followed by loop(), then the componenent specific functions (which should be grouped together by component).
The 3d print for the sensor guard is in the SensorGuardPrint folder. It is provided both as a .gcode file and a .stl file to acommadate different types of printers.