This library contains wrapper class to cover basic functionality with Bolt library.
Memgraph::$auth = ['scheme' => 'none'];
$rows = Memgraph::query('RETURN $n as num', ['n' => 123]);
You can also use methods like queryFirstField
and queryFirstColumn
If you want to learn more about available query parameters check tests.
Default connection is executed on You can change target server with static properties:
Memgraph::$host = '';
Memgraph::$port = 7687;
Transaction methods are:
You can set callable function into Memgraph::$logHandler
which is called everytime query is executed. Method will receive executed query with additional statistics.
Check class property annotation for more information.
Standard behaviour on error is trigger_error with E_USER_ERROR. If you want to handle Exception by yourself you can set callable function into Memgraph::$errorHandler
Wrapper offers special method Memgraph::statistic()
. This method returns specific information from last executed query.
Check method annotation for more information.