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Stefan Hendriks edited this page Sep 9, 2021 · 2 revisions

(for now dump of controls.txt)

Controls & keys:

LEFT mouse button -> action

RIGHT mouse button -> deselect / cancel

  • use the drag-box to select groups of units
  • Move mouse around the borders of the screen to scroll around the map
  • Hold right mouse button to drag viewport


ESC - quits instantly! (no confirmation asked)

Arrow keys - scroll through the map (is slow)

F11 - Take screenshot

Mouse wheel - Map zooming. Press Z to restore.

R - when hovering above structures, mouse will turn into repair icon when structure can be repaired. When hovering above units you can order a unit to repair itself (it will search a nearby repair facility. Or call a Carry-all to bring it there)

F - Show FPS

D - When harvester selected, it will return to refinery (carryall will pickup if possible). When a MCV is selected it will deploy there (creating ConstYard)

SHIFT - Hold and click on other units to add them to your selection

H - Set screen to Construction Yard / Start location

CTRL- - Create group of selected units (till nr 5)

- Select created group

Z - Restore zoom factor


To access the debug keys, you should hold TAB. Press one of the following keys then to perform the specific given action:

(TAB plus....)

F1 - Jump to mission 9 of your selected house

F2 - Win mission

F3 - Lose mission

F4 - Instant 299999 credits (this ALSO gives AI player this much credits)

F5 - Reveal all shroud

Note: You can press D anytime, also without holding TAB:

D - Show all non-passable cells (keep key pressed) Colored: RED = IMPASSABLE TERRAIN BLUE= IMPASSABLE UNIT GREEN=IMPASSABLE STRUCTURE

D - Show ID's of unit/Structures (keep key pressed)

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