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Flash code onto a virtual CPU to control a spaceship’s engines, sensors, and more, just like real hardware!


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Stellar Script

Play now here


StellarScript Global Function References

  • delay(milliseconds: number): void: delay the execution by milliseconds.
  • g_has(name: string): boolean: check if a global variable named name exists.
  • g_get(name: string): any: get the value of the global variable named name.
  • g_set(name: string, value: any): void: set the value of the global variable named name to value. Global variables persist through different executions of the loop() function.
  • print(...args: any[]): void: print the provided values in the "Output" tab.
  • read(pin: number): read a value from the device at the specific GPIO pin. All device pins can be found in constants defined at the top of the code.
  • write(pin: number, value: number): write a value to the device at the specific GPIO pin. All device pins can be found in constants defined at the top of the code.

Try it Out

The game is deployed at Only "Sandbox" mode is implemented at the time of writing this post.

This is some sample code you can copy paste to understand how certain functions work

const ENGINE_LEFT = 0;
const ENGINE_RIGHT = 1;
const SENSOR_LEFT = 2;
const SENSOR_RIGHT = 3;
const WEAPON = 4;
const LOW = 0;
const HIGH = 1;

// This function is called every cycle forever.
function loop() {
  // Read sensor values
  const leftSensorValue = read(SENSOR_LEFT);
  const rightSensorValue = read(SENSOR_RIGHT);

  // Determine if an asteroid is detected
  const isAsteroidDetected = leftSensorValue === 1 || rightSensorValue === 1;

  // If an asteroid is detected, turn the appropriate engine on and shoot a bullet
  if (isAsteroidDetected) {
    if (leftSensorValue === 1) {
      // Asteroid is on the left side, turn left engine on and shoot a bullet
      write(ENGINE_LEFT, HIGH);
      write(ENGINE_RIGHT, LOW);
      write(WEAPON, HIGH);
    } else {
      // Asteroid is on the right side, turn right engine on and shoot a bullet
      write(ENGINE_RIGHT, HIGH);
      write(ENGINE_LEFT, LOW);
      write(WEAPON, HIGH);
  } else {
    // No asteroid detected, move forward by turning both engines on
    write(ENGINE_LEFT, HIGH);
    write(ENGINE_RIGHT, HIGH);

Running locally

Building bundles

  • Run npm run build:dev to produce javascript bundles for debugging in the dist/ folder
  • Run npm run build:prod to produce javascript bundles for production (minified) in the dist/ folder



Flash code onto a virtual CPU to control a spaceship’s engines, sensors, and more, just like real hardware!




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