Releases: stephen-fox/user32util
Releases · stephen-fox/user32util
Added example of moving and left-clicking mouse.
v0.3.1 Added note about sleep time to example.
Added support for 'SetCursorPos()' system call.
This release adds support for the 'SetCursorPos()' system call.
It also attempts to cleanup the documentation, and internal code organization.
Added 'user32DLL.Release()' and additional code doc.
v0.2.1 Fixed README copy-pasta and doc.go statement.
Proper listener cleanup, API refactoring, and documentation.
v0.2.0 Abstracted 'SetWindowsHookExW' into its own function.
Mouse event listener and send input support. API refactoring
PS: I broke backwards compatibility in the library's API.
Initial release.
v0.0.1 Added key up / down details to example app.