A jekyll plugin for displaying static chess boards.
Currently, to use this plugin you have to set it up manually. Download or clone this repository and follow the steps below:
- Copy
to your _plugins folder. - Copy
to your _sass folder if your site is configured to use SASS. Alternatively, copy the precompiledcss/chess.css
to where you keep your style sheets. - Copy the images of the chess pieces in
to where you would like them. - Update the
variable to match the path to the images of the chess pieces, or manually update the paths if you are using the css file. - Finally, use
{% fenboard FEN_NOTATION %}
to render a chess board on your site. For example:{% fenboard r3r1kR/2p5/p1p1P3/1p4q1/1P2P3/P2P1P2/2P1KB2/Q7 b - - 2 27 %}
rendered the image below.
Here is how you render a chess board using FEN notation.
{% fenboard FEN_NOTATION %}
Ex: {% fenboard r3r1kR/2p5/p1p1P3/1p4q1/1P2P3/P2P1P2/2P1KB2/Q7 b - - 2 27 %}
Currently, the only notation supported by jekyll-chess is FEN notation. PGN will hopefully be supported in the future.
FEN Notation represents a chess board at a single point in time. It looks like this:
r3r1kR/2p5/p1p1P3/1p4q1/1P2P3/P2P1P2/2P1KB2/Q7 b - - 2 27
A FEN String is made up of six pieces. The first chunk represented by r3r1kR/2p5/p1p1P3/1p4q1/1P2P3/P2P1P2/2P1KB2/Q7
describes the location of pieces on the board from Whites perspective from rank eight to rank one. Each rank is seperated by a backslash. White's pieces are capitalized while Black's are lowercase. And empty squares are represented by digits one through eight. For example, the above FEN String tells us that there is a Black Rook on square A8, meanwhile B8, C8, and D8 are empty, there is a rook on E8, F8 is empty, Black's King is on G8, and then a White Rook on H8.
The second piece of information represents whose it is: 'b' or 'w'. The third part tells if castling is possible for example:
rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq e3 0 1
KQkq means that both White and Black can castle King side or Queen side. If castling can't be done by anyone it is represented by a '-'. The fourth piece indicates if en passant is available on which square can be targeted. It is also represented by a '-' is unavailable. The fifth and sixth pieces of information are a halfmove clock, used to determine if the fifty-fifty move rule can be applied, and the fullmove number representing the number of full turns that have passed in the game.
The only information that jekyll-chess really cares about is the first chunk representing piece positions. The plugin will still function if the only information you gave it was: