A simple Discord bot that retrieves the boost history for Nitrado servers and posts them to Discord.
Use the package manager pip to install requirements.txt
pip3 install --target ./package -r requirements.txt
Create copy of "nitrapi_account_config_template.json" as "nitrapi_account_config.json". Then add the auth_tokens for each of the Nitrado accounts into the config.
Create a copy of ".env_template" as ".env". Add the values for: DISCORD_TOKEN, DISCORD_GUILD, and DISCORD_CHANNEL
Make sure to uncomment the last line in bot.py to run locally.
python3 bot.py
cd project_root
cd ./package
zip -r9 ${OLDPWD}/nitrado-boost-bot.zip .
cd ..
zip -g nitrado-boost-bot.zip bot.py
zip -g nitrado-boost-bot.zip nitrapi_account_config.json
zip -g nitrado-boost-bot.zip gameserver_colors.json
aws lambda update-function-code --function-name nitrado-boost-bot --zip-file fileb://nitrado-boost-bot.zip
Pull requests are welcome to the "master" branch. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.