Boilerplate for quick building websites.
Based with less and gulp
bower install
sudo npm install
sudo npm install -g gulp
set the project name inside your gulpfile.js
var projectName = "sampleapp";
where sampleapp is your project name. It results in names of dist files which will be:
**sampleapp.min.css, sampleapp.min.js, sampleapp-lib.min.js**
_src is the folder where you put your source data _dist is the folder where gulp puts output and you should link there
gulp watch
watches for changes in whole _src folder
gulp less
builds only less files
gulp js
build only js files
gulp compress-img
runs images compressor for the files inside _src/img/ and puts output to _dist/img.
gulp lib
builds your JavaScript library based on array in gulpfile.js
gulp.task('lib', function () {
return gulp.src([
files loads one by one (as the array goes, so if library A is based on lib B and needs B to be preloaded before loading A. Simply put Library A as first in array. Each lib element should be pre minified if you want them to be minified in your lib file This script just concatenates lib files.