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@charliecruzan-stripe charliecruzan-stripe released this 19 Apr 18:12
· 409 commits to master since this release


Breaking changes

  • #837 BREAKING CHANGE: Mostly fixes and changes to types, but some method's now accept slightly different parameters:
    • Removed setUrlSchemeOnAndroid in favor of setReturnUrlSchemeOnAndroid. setReturnUrlSchemeOnAndroid functions exactly the same, this is just a rename.
    • Removed handleCardAction in favor of handleNextAction. handleNextAction functions exactly the same, this is just a rename.
    • createPaymentMethod's billingDetails and shippingDetails parameters no longer accept the addressPostalCode, addressCity, addressCountry, addressLine1, addressLine2, or addressState keys. Instead, they accept an address object containing: city, country, line1, line2, postalCode, state.
    • confirmPayment's billingDetails and shippingDetails parameters no longer accept the addressPostalCode, addressCity, addressCountry, addressLine1, addressLine2, or addressState keys. Instead, they accept an address object containing: city, country, line1, line2, postalCode, state.
    • BillingDetails no longer includes addressPostalCode, addressCity, addressCountry, addressLine1, addressLine2, or addressState keys. Instead, it includes an address object containing: city, country, line1, line2, postalCode, state keys.
    • ShippingDetails no longer includes addressPostalCode, addressCity, addressCountry, addressLine1, addressLine2, or addressState keys. Instead, it includes an address object containing: city, country, line1, line2, postalCode, state keys.
    • PaymentIntents was renamed PaymentIntent. (If you were using PaymentIntents.Status, now you must change it to PaymentIntent.Status)
    • SetupIntents was renamed SetupIntent. (If you were using SetupIntents.Status, now you must change it to SetupIntent.Status)
    • (Typescript) Card.Token is now Token.Result
    • (Typescript) Card.Brand is now Token.CardBrand
    • (Typescript) Card.TokenType is now Token.Type
    • (Typescript) Card.BankAccount is now Token.BankAccount
    • (Typescript) Card.Params is now Token.Params
    • (Typescript) CardFormView.Names is now CardFormView.FieldName
    • (Typescript) CardFieldInput.Names is now CardFieldInput.FieldName
    • (Typescript) ApplePayButtonComponent.Styles is now ApplePayButtonComponent.Style
    • (Typescript) ApplePayButtonComponent.Types is now ApplePayButtonComponent.Type
    • (Typescript) PaymentMethod is now PaymentMethod.Result
    • (Typescript) PaymentIntent is now PaymentIntent.Result
    • (Typescript) SetupIntent is now SetupIntent.Result
    • (Typescript) Exports that were under the Card namespace are now under Token
    • (Typescript) CreateTokenParams is now Token.CreateParams
    • (Typescript) BankAcccountHolderType is now Token.BankAcccountHolderType
    • (Typescript) ThreeDSecureConfigurationParams is now ThreeDSecure.ConfigurationParams
    • (Typescript) PaymentMethodCreateParams.Params is now PaymentMethod.CreateParams
    • (Typescript) PaymentMethodCreateParams.Options is now PaymentMethod.ConfirmOptions
    • (Typescript) CreateTokenParams is now Token.CreateParams
    • (Typescript) ConfirmSetupIntent.Params is now SetupIntent.ConfirmParams
    • (Typescript) ConfirmSetupIntent.Options is now SetupIntent.ConfirmOptions
    • (Typescript) confirmPayment now accepts the PaymentIntent.ConfirmParams (same type, just renamed).
    • (Typescript) BillingDetails type is now exported directly, instead of under the PaymentMethodCreateParams object.
    • (Typescript) presentGooglePay now accepts GooglePay.PresentParams
    • (Typescript) GooglePay.PresentGooglePayParams is now GooglePay.PresentParams
    • (Typescript) GooglePay.PresentGooglePayType is now GooglePay.PresentType
    • (Typescript) GooglePay.IsGooglePaySupportedParams is now GooglePay.IsSupportedParams
    • (Typescript) Removed GooglePay.SetupIntentParams

New features

  • #879 Feat: Add support for ACHv2 payments on Android (already existed on iOS).


  • #894 Fix: <CardField /> onBlur callback will now be called appropriately on Android
  • #846 Fix: Avoid crashes when currentActivity is null


  • #879 Chore: Upgraded stripe-android from v19.3.+ to v20.1.+