This is a demo application to showcase how to customize the user model with an associated organization.
Org: The organization model
- name: String
- orgUsers: hasMany relation to OrgUser (mapping
OrgUser: The user model (extends from User)
- fname: String
- lname: String
- org: belongsTo relation to Org (FK: orgUserId)
module.exports = function(app) {
var OrgUser = app.models.OrgUser;
var Org = app.models.Org;
// Create an organization named as 'myRealm'
Org.create({name: 'myRealm'}, function(err, org) {
console.log(err, org);
// Create an user within the organization
username: 'john',
lname: 'Smith',
fname: 'John',
email: '',
password: '123'
function(err, user) {
console.log(err, user);
// Now try to login with realm
OrgUser.login({username: 'myRealm:john', password: '123'},
function(err, result) {
console.log(err, result);
node .
You should see the output similar as follows:
null { name: 'myRealm', id: 1 }
Browse your REST API at
Web server listening at:
null { username: 'john',
lname: 'Smith',
fname: 'John',
email: '',
password: '$2a$10$E.4BOagiUW2v7qZCRkZAHuRDgeJRwW4pw70nGitwMtaIaFuoXqP6K',
orgUserId: 1,
realm: 'myRealm',
id: 1 }
null { ttl: 1209600,
userId: 1,
created: Tue Feb 10 2015 13:51:24 GMT-0800 (PST),
id: 'e6l5U3LJ9PKyMrbkGHu5xKDO0Uv9en5NG69PMqwzAROBIwGJWpkyJx5YjvAF1Dcw' }