Releases: stschiff/rarecoal
This version describes a large update that I originally wanted to name 2.0.0, but ended up using 1.5.0 since the new core algorithm (which internally I call rarecoal2) is not ready yet. The way models are specified changed pretty drastically, as will be described in the documentation soon.
Version 1.3.0
Release of the version used in our Paleo-Eskimo preprint.
Release 1.2.1
- Removed the view command, it became redundant a while ago.
- Removed the -N option, this should now be done with freqsum2histogram from the rarecoal-tools package
- Streamlined the brief description of the sub-programs on the command line
- Made input of model templates, parameter files, manual parameters and manual model specifications safer.
- Removed unused code using
Release 1.2.0: new file formats
This release references the new rarecoal-tools package with updated file formats.
Bug Fixes and new Feature: Admixture and Migration
This release contains bug fixes in the processing tools (for freqSum- and histogram files). It also contains a new feature: Admixture and Migration can now be modelled in model templates.
First release
This is the first release of the rarecoal package. It contains the tools used in the preprint found on (Schiffels et al., 2015).