is a Snakemake pipeline designed to process raw ATAC-seq and multiome data from public datasets, handling everything from data download to generating processed outputs compatible with the Signac package.
can be installed by cloning the Github repository
# Clone this repository into your local machine
git clone
# Change into the workflow directory
cd cr-run-snakemake/workflow
After cloning the GitHub repo, you can install snakemake and the other dependencies using mamba by using the code below:
# Make sure mamba is already installed
mamba env create -f environment.yaml
# Activate cr-run-snakemake mamba environment
mamba activate run_cellranger_env
snakemake --configfile config/config.yaml --cores all --keep-incomplete --resources load=100
example.sbatch script must be present
Example of example.sbatch format to run pipeline:
#SBATCH -t 72:00:00 # Maximum time to run the whole pipeline, will stop after the time exceed
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node 60
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 1
#SBATCH --mem 128G # Max RAM memory needed
#SBATCH -J CR_pipeline # Prefix for .out and .err file
#SBATCH --output=%x-%j.out # Show the output produced
#SBATCH --error=%x-%j.err # Show the error output produced
#SBATCH -p cpu
snakemake --cores all --keep-incomplete --resources load=100
After preparing the sbatch file, submit the job to HPC:
sbatch xxx.sbatch
After running the code above, job_id will be given and you can check the jon status (RUNNING
) by:
sacct -j [job id]
Most important step of entire workflow. In this example, the file atac_only_md_example.csv is used in the config.yaml file - any file name can be used just edit config file accordingly. Ensure format of example_metadata.csv is adhered to strictly; Format should be exactly as that of the "example_metadata.csv" file provided.
Note: "GSM" typically refers to a library and "SRR" to a run. Although these terminologies may be used inaccurately in the current context, please adhere to the column names specified in test_run_multiome.csv for consistency and accuracy.
The config.yaml file should look like as config.yaml
Ensure config.yaml files is properly adjusted. For more information and to know what suffix to use, please refer to:
Common mistakes include forgetting "ignore" in the suffixes section and mistyping respective paths, which may lead to errors.
Ensure the link to download cellranger-arc and cellranger-atac is the latest as they keep changing the link
Prior to running the snakemake pipeline, the file stucture should look like this:
├── config
│ └── config.yaml
├── workflow
└── cellranger_output
└── metadata_folder
| └── metadata.csv
└── resources
└── rules
| └── create_libraries_csv.smk
| └── fetch_fastq.smk
| └── resources.smk
| └── run_cr.smk
└── Snakefile
└── cr-run-snakemake.sbatch
Runs will be generated according to "ID" in metadata.csv [i.e. 1 "ID" will have 1 "outs" folder].
After running the pipeline, here is how the structure look like:
├── config
│ └── config.yaml
├── workflow
└── cellranger_output
| └── sample1
| └── outs
└── metadata_folder
| └── metadata.csv
└── resources
| └── cellranger-arc
| | └── bin
| | └── cellranger-arc
| └── cellranger-atac
| | └── bin
| | └── cellranger-arc
| └── genome
└── rules
| └── create_libraries_csv.smk
| └── fetch_fastq.smk
| └── resources.smk
| └── run_cr.smk
└── Snakefile
└── cr-run-snakemake.sbatch
Dependencies | Link |
CellRangerARC | |
CellRangerATAC | |
SRA_Toolkit | |
Snakemake | |
PigZ | |
- Add on rule that rename and extract the files from
folder needed to create seurat object as below
Original file | Rename it to |
atac_peaks.bed | peaks.bed |
per_barcode_metrics.csv | singlecell.csv |
filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 | filtered_peak_bc_matrix.h5 |
atac_fragments.tsv.gz | fragments.tsv.gz |
atac_fragments.tsv.gz.tbi | fragments.tsv.gz.tbi |
- Add on rule to rename the seurat metadata column name so it match between both atac and multiome
Original column name | Rename it to |
total | atac_raw_reads |
is__cell_barcode | is_cell |
barcode | atac_barcode |
duplicate | atac_dup_reads |
chimeric | atac_chimeric_reads |
unmapped | atac_unmapped_reads |
lowmapq | atac_lowmapq |
mitochondrial | atac_mitochondrial_reads |
passed_filters | atac_fragments |
excluded_reason | excluded_reason |
TSS_fragments | atac_TSS_fragments |
peak_region_fragments | atac_peak_region_fragments |
peak_region_cutsites | atac_peak_region_cutsites |