This is a simple implementation of printf function that formats and prints data
The _printf() function produces output according to a format which is described below. This function write its output to the stdout, the standard output stream. Returns the count of printed characters when the function is successful and -1 when the function fails.
The available convertion specifiers are:
- %c: Prints a single character.
- %s: Prints a string of characters.
- %d: Prints integers.
- %i: Prints integers.
- %b: Prints the binary representation of an unsigned decimal.
- %u: Prints unsigned integers
- %x: Prints the hexadecial representation of an unsigned decimal in lowercase letters
- %X:Prints the hexadecial representation of an unsigned decimal in uppercase letters
- %r: Prints a reversed string
- %R: Prints the Rot13 interpretation of a string
- All the files are to be compiled on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- Compile your code with
gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c
- Include the "holberton.h" header file on the functions using the _printf()
#include "holberton.h"
#include <stdio.h>
* main - Entry point
* Return: Always 0
int main(void)
int a;
int b;
char *str;
str = "school";
a = _printf("%r\n", "Holberton"); /*expected: notrebloh*/
printf("--->%d\n", a); /*expected: 10*/
b = _printf("%r\n", str); /*expected: loohcs*/
printf("%d\n", b); /*expected: 7*/
b = _printf("%r\n", str); /*expected: loohcs*/
printf("%d\n", b); /*expected: 7*/
return (0);