Authbook is a self-hosted OTP Web app software.
The backend is built with Kotlin, Ktor and Exposed framework and the frontend is built with Javascipt, React and MDC(Material Design Components)
This project is in development stage and it isn't fullly functional yet.
- Signup(with email verification)
- Password recovery
- Login
- Add/Remove OTP Seed
- Show list of OTP Seeds
- Edit OTP Seed
- Store Seed data offline
- Localization
- Session manager
- Deploy manual
- Themeing
- Enable PWA
Start test server
cd frontend
npm install
npm start
Generate production build
cd frontend
npm install
npm build
- Prepare Java and Mysql server instance
- Edit
or setup environment variables(seeapplication.conf
for required environment variables)
Run server instantly
./gradlew :run
Build docker image(See here for more detailed guides)
./gradlew jib
Youngbin Han(
GNU General Public License v3.0
See COPYING.txt to see the full text.