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Sumanth edited this page Apr 2, 2019 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the MobileMoneyTransferApp wiki!

This application is basically to create Accounts and to transfer money between accounts.

Steps to Run Application

mvn clean install

mvn tomcat7:run

Once Application started, Use below Endpoints

To Add New Account -> POST -> http://localhost:8080/MobileMoneyTransferApp/webapi/account

Headers -> Content-Type : application/json and Body =

{ "accountId": 102, "balance": 500}

To Get All Accounts -> GET -> http://localhost:8080/MobileMoneyTransferApp/webapi/account

To Get Account BY ID -> GET -> http://localhost:8080/MobileMoneyTransferApp/webapi/account/{accountId}

To Deposit or to Withdraw money from created account To deposit money -> http://localhost:8080/MobileMoneyTransferApp/webapi/transaction/deposit?accountId={accountId}&amount={amount}

eg: http://localhost:8080/MobileMoneyTransferApp/webapi/transaction/deposit?accountId=101&amount=600

To withdraw money -> http://localhost:8080/MobileMoneyTransferApp/webapi/transaction/withdraw?accountId={accountId}&amount={amount}

eg: http://localhost:8080/MobileMoneyTransferApp/webapi/transaction/withdraw?accountId=101&amount=600

Create 2 or more Accounts to Transfer money between accounts

To Create new Transaction -> POST -> http://localhost:8080/MobileMoneyTransferApp/webapi/transaction Headers -> Content-Type : application/json and Body =

{ "fromAccountId": 103, "toAccountId": 104, "transactionId": 1001, "transferAmount": 100 }

To Get All Transactions -> GET -> http://localhost:8080/MobileMoneyTransferApp/webapi/transaction

To Get Transaction BY ID -> GET -> http://localhost:8080/MobileMoneyTransferApp/webapi/transaction/1001

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