Angular + Typescript + Webpack build with Karma and wallaby tests support for Java Platform. And this all with sourcemaps in production support!!
Heavily insipred from brechtbilliet/angular-typescript-webpack and from jhipster
npm i webpack tsd typescript -g
git clone
cd angular-typescript-webpack
npm install
tsd install
mvn install
mvn tomcat7:run
Then it will automatically open the app in your browser
To run tests
npm test
open reports/coverage/index.html
npm install
tsd install
npm run build
- Build basic Angular app with webpack
- Build with Maven and Embadded Tomcat
- sass support
- Coverage report
- Typescript support
- ES6 modules support
- Running tests in PhantomJS
- Wallaby.js support
- Karma support
- Optimized build package
- Minimal and straightforward setup
- Watches code and refreshes browser with latest changes automatically
- Sourcemap support in develop AND PRODUCTION!!! (don't deploy the file with your application, but use it to debug your production app)